“If you want to take the test, you must meet a necessary condition, that is, you must be a cultivator of the Forging Body Realm, ordinary people, please don’t waste everyone’s time!”

The man said a word again, and the crowd talked again, while some of the people who had ideas were very consciously cultivated into two rows, waiting for the arrangement after the immortals.

It is worth mentioning that most of these people are young boys and girls, and the oldest is only seventeen or eighteen years old, this age is the beginning of cultivation and the golden stage of cultivation, and only such people are worthy of cultivation by the sect.

“This is also too shocking, I have reached the forging state of my teenage body, and it seems that I still need to work hard!” At the thought of his strength greatly shrinking Bi Hao’s heart was a little uncomfortable, but he had no way to do anything.

After a simple hesitation, Bi Hao felt that it was necessary to find a sect to quickly improve his cultivation, and immediately after deciding, he stood at the back of the crowd.

Originally, there were one or two people who changed their minds and entered the team, but Bi Hao’s appearance immediately attracted the attention of everyone, and the constant scanning of his body made Bi Hao very uncomfortable.

“This young man is already thirty years old, and such a talent still wants to enter the Ling Xiao Sect, and it is really a bit whimsical!”

“Such a person also wants to develop and want to go crazy, really don’t want to face!”

A voice of contempt reached Bi Hao’s ears, which immediately made Bi Hao’s face darken, he was obviously only twenty-five years old, and he had some plug-ins, could Er and other mortals talk about it?

Regardless of the crowd’s reaction, Bi Hao was waiting at the back of the line, and after almost half an hour, it was finally Bi Hao’s turn, and before him, he had already tested hundreds of people, and there were only thirty qualified candidates.

It seems that this test is really a bit harsh, I just don’t know if I can pass the test.


“Bi Hao!”



The mechanical version of the inquiry Bi Hao’s information, after such a long time of busy men are also a little tired, but after hearing Bi Hao’s age, they also immediately raised their heads and looked at each other with a surprised face.

“Are you sure you are here to participate in the selection of the Ling Xiao Sect!”


Shrugging his shoulders, Bi Hao gave the other party a big white eye, what else could he do if he wasn’t here to participate in the selection, if there were some problems in his own system, he really didn’t care about joining your sect, and actually underestimated me b god!

The other party saw Bi Hao’s reaction and the doubt in his eyes was even worse, and after thinking about it, it didn’t matter if he could join Ling Xiaozong or not, he could only decide after passing the examination.

“To give you a brief introduction to the content of the assessment, first of all, the cultivation of the physical realm, and the cultivation talent must not be less than thirty, if you understand it, where to test it!”

Saying that, the man pointed to the stone tablet in a corner not far away, and the method of testing was very simple, as long as the spiritual power in his body was transmitted to the quilt, he could show his cultivation talent.

In this world, cultivation talent is the most important part of a cultivator, and the higher the talent, the higher the cultivation speed and future achievements.

Only when the cultivation talent reaches ten can you contact cultivation, reaching thirty can barely enter the cultivation path, the talent reaches fifty has reached the average level, as for eighty is already a genius, the future achievements must also be a party overlord, and the cultivation talent greater than eighty is almost rare, not to mention that the talent value of one hundred has not appeared for more than ninety years.

Remembering all this information, as Bi Hao injected a trace of spiritual power into the stone stele, the stone stele also gradually lit up, and soon it had broken through the thirty scale line, and finally stopped at 32.

“I should be qualified for this!”

Some dazed glance at the man before, Bi Hao also knew in his heart, it seems that this talent value should be the spirit root on the system interface, but he doesn’t know if there is any way to improve.

And the man was also a little surprised to see this scene, to tell the truth, he really didn’t expect such a result, to tell the truth, he really didn’t want to bring Bi Hao into the Ling Xiao Sect.

The talent of the thirty-two can be said to be ordinary, and there is no need to cultivate it at Bi Hao’s age, but the rules are set by themselves, and it is not good to change.

“Wait a minute!”

Gently stroking his forehead, the man still decided to take Bi Hao back to the Sect Gate, and when the time came, he would arrange some miscellaneous services at will, and after taking a look at the more than thirty disciples in front of him, the man coughed.

“I am Xu Hu, a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect’s Outer Courtyard, you can directly call me Brother Xu, and since all your conditions have met our Lingxiao Sect’s recruitment standards, you can also be considered a disciple of our sect!”

“You have half an hour to deal with worldly affairs, say goodbye to your relatives and friends, and when you gather here after half an hour, I will take you back to the Sect Gate.

With a wave of his big hand, Xu Hu let everyone disperse, only Bi Hao was still standing in the same place a little overwhelmed, thinking that anyway, there was still half an hour to go, and he would go to eat something first.

It was only when Bi Hao was halfway to remember that he now had no savings in his empty pockets, and just when Bi Hao was trying to figure out whether he could earn a little extra money, he suddenly noticed that a sharp-billed monkey cheek got a man.

Only to see that the man with the sharp-billed monkey cheek was sneaking one hand to a woman’s waist, and the money bag was hanging from the woman’s waist.

Seeing this, Bi Hao naturally understood that this person was a thief, and immediately exerted the spirit of Lei Feng, grabbing the man’s wrist, Bi Hao’s palm was like an iron tong, tightly clamping the other party’s wrist.


The man felt the pain coming from his wrist and immediately inhaled a cold breath, and the whole person curled up.

“Pain hurts, let go!”

“Kill someone, you’re going to die~~”

Bi Hao did not expect that this product would be so loaded, as if he had done something, and the man’s shouting also attracted the attention of everyone around.

Especially when the young girl turned back to see this scene, she was also a little nervous and did not know what was happening, and subconsciously took two steps back to keep a certain distance from Bi Hao. 、

“Boy, what do you want to do, hurry up and let go, why should you and I have no grievances and no revenge to harm me, but there are so many people watching here, let go quickly!”

A trace of cruelty and resentment flashed in the man’s eyes, as if he was blaming Bi Hao for ruining his good deeds, and almost instantly reacted and pretended to be a victim.

Sure enough, those around them heard the man’s words and immediately set their eyes on Bi Hao’s body, and some unsuspecting people even began to accuse Bi Hao. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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