Several of Xu Hu’s Ling Xiao Sect disciples opened the way ahead, and Bi Hao’s people followed close behind, not knowing how long they had traveled, and in this dense jungle, it seemed that even the sense of direction had been lost.

“Take a break!”

Finding a flat highland, Xu Hu gave an order, and everyone repaired it.


A disciple of the Ling Xiao Sect lit a pile of firewood with a fire spell, and a hare was brought in, and the stomach of three or five was disemboweled, and it was grilled on the fire.

When the crowd saw it, they followed suit and took out the wild animals they had brought along the way and put them on the fire to cook them.

The rabbit meat was roasted golden, a drop of sesame oil dripped on the firewood, and a fragrance wafted out, making everyone suddenly move their index fingers.

All the way through the jungle, the physical exertion of the crowd was extremely great, and at this moment they were already hungry, and they tore off the rabbit legs one after another to feast on them, even a few female disciples who were originally somewhat reserved.

After eating a rabbit leg, Bi Hao was still unfinished, and was about to pick up the whole rabbit to eat it, when suddenly a light wind swept by, and the rabbit meat on his hand disappeared, which surprised Bi Hao.

“What’s going on?”

Bi Hao was shocked, a gust of wind blew through, and the roast meat in his hand suddenly disappeared.

The movement here attracted the attention of everyone and cast doubtful glances.

Just as they were stunned, another breeze blew through.

“What a ghost! What about the roast meat on my hands? How is it gone, is it that you took it! ”

Another disciple exclaimed, and he questioned his companion next to him.

“I didn’t! Look at my empty hands, how roasted meat! ”

The disciple who was questioned looked moved, immediately shook his head in rebuttal, and at the same time slapped his empty hands, showing his innocence.

“Ahem! I’d like to see what’s going on!” ”

Xu Hu’s eyes were sharp, and he saw through the strange situation in front of him at a glance, he snorted coldly, and slapped a palm at a tall tree next to him.


The thick leaves were cut open by his palm wind, and many branches fell.

“Squeak… Squeak…”

At this time, everyone looked at the big tree next to them, and a small monkey as dark as ink sat on the branches, constantly scratching his ears and cheeks, squeaking and squeaking.

Holding two skewers of roast meat in his hand, the monkey was also the size of a fist, as if it had just shed milk, the hair on his body was not in order, he could even afford to hold something several times larger than himself, and his movement seemed to be unhindered.

“You monkey, give me back my meat.”

Bi Hao saw the extraordinary nature of this little monkey and did not act rashly.

But the other disciple couldn’t do it, he was extremely surprised, he didn’t expect that such a small gray monkey had robbed his own barbecue, and looking at its scratching his ears and squeezing his eyebrows, it seemed that he was still laughing at himself, which made him angry.

He ran angrily toward the little monkey, trying to catch it.

“Squeak, squeak…”

The little black monkey ignored the disciple, squeaked a few times, and then took the roast meat in one hand, and quickly climbed the tree with the other hand, bringing up a gust of wind and disappearing in front of everyone’s eyes in an instant.

“It’s a beast!”

Xu Hu looked at the direction in which the little monkey had left, and a trace of inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes.

This monkey came and went like the wind, and he couldn’t even stop himself, which was really a skill. _

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