In the next few days, the group regained calm again, there were indeed many demon beasts in the Demon Beast Mountain Range, Bi Hao and them came all the way, within a few days, there were already dozens of demon beasts that died at their hands.

However, none of them had produced a demon Dan, which made Bi Hao very disappointed, his system was now in a dormant state, many functions had entered the cooldown, and he had to rely on his own cultivation to grow to unlock it, and with the cultivation speed of this world, I was afraid that he would get the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Monkey.

“Well, there’s something wrong, there’s a mental swing!”

Faintly, Xu Hu, who was walking in the forefront, suddenly felt a faint spiritual wave pervading in front of him.

He waved a large hand and signaled the crowd to stop.

“Stay safe, this place is unusual.”

Xu Hu’s look, which had always been light and cloudy before, became very serious.

“How did a cave suddenly come out?” How we didn’t find out before! ”

Looking for the spiritual waves, the crowd came to a mountain wall, but found a cave under the mountain wall, and Bi Hao and they had passed by this place for a short while.

Bi Hao’s heart was also very shaken, he had not found out that there was a cave before, his memory was obviously a mountain wall, how could a cave suddenly appear?

“This cave should use the array to cover up the past, and the spiritual fluctuations we sensed before should be the last wave emitted by the failure of the array.”

The wind chime behind him suddenly opened its mouth, whispering to Bi Hao in a voice that only people could hear.

She found that the surrounding of the cave was carved with symbols, some streaked symbols, one obscure after another, even she could not recognize them.


Bi Hao heard it for the first time.

The array is actually another form of the formation, the array is through the specific arrangement and material array eyes, etc., so as to play a huge role, to put it simply, the array is a simple version of the array, by carving some runes to achieve the basic effect of the array, if you want the array to survive for a long time, you must add some special materials, so that it exists for a long time, as long as the Dao force is not scattered, or not broken, then the array will continue forever.

“This cave was actually covered up by the arrangement of the array, and the spiritual fluctuation just now should be the last wave emitted by the failure of the array.”

After the explanation of the wind chime, Bi Hao understood what the array was.

“It turned out to be a rare Ancient Array!” This cave is probably not simple! ”

At this time, Xu Hu’s excited voice came, and everyone was shocked.

“Could it be a treasure left over from antiquity?”

Several other Inner Gate disciples of the Ling Xiao Sect were also excited.

Left over from antiquity, it is also an incomparably long period of time, modern distance from the ancient period, can not be studied, let alone there are hundreds of thousands of years of history, a corner of the array can exist for hundreds of thousands of years, this was the strength of the person who laid this corner array how strong is it to be able to do it?

A cave that can be hidden by a powerful man must have something good in it.

If they could get the treasure here, whether it was dedicated to the Sect Gate or appropriated for themselves, it would be a wealth greater than the sky, thinking about it, Xu Hu and several people looked at each other, and they showed a little heat. _

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