Bi Hao dragged the wind chime backwards a few steps, slightly farther away from the door.

“Big Brother Bi Hao, what the hell is going on?” My belly is indeed empty, so let’s go in and eat. The wind chime’s hands were slightly strained, and Bi Hao’s legs immediately went soft.

“Wind chimes, you’re not a Jin national, you may not have heard of the name ‘small hotel’, right?” Bi Hao bowed his body and spoke in my wind chimes.

The aroma emitted by the wind chimes makes Wuji somewhat intoxicated.

The wind chime turned back: “No, is this small hotel very famous?” ”

With the words of the wind chime, the breath of the blowing like Lan went straight to Bi Hao’s mouth and nose. Bi Hao’s brain was dim, quite a kiss Xiang Ze’s rush. Move. He quickly straightened his body and stepped back, which suppressed the primitive rush inside his body. Move.

Taking two sharp breaths, Bi Hao tried his best to calm his mood, and after a while, he explained it to the wind chime.

This was the first time Bi Hao had come to Wangcheng in his life, and it was also the first time he had left the town, so this would not prevent him from hearing the rumors of the ‘small hotel’.

Lao Wu had worked as an errand boy in the Wangcheng City for some years, and he knew a little bit about some strange things and strange things in the Wangcheng.

This ‘small hotel’, although it seems to be ordinary, is well-known inside and outside the royal city. Even some foreign visiting officials and juju Jia will also come to visit.

The reason is simple, just two.

One of them is that the food here is really good, and I heard that the chef in charge of the kitchen is a member of the royal family. If the seniority is calculated, it is still a distant brother of the current monarch.

The second reason is quite speechless, that is, the food here is very high, and every wine and dish needs a lot of gold and silver at every turn. There are even several dishes that are to be settled with crystal nuclei, even the rich can’t afford it.

Those meals that are settled with crystal nuclei, ordinary people eat and hear that they can live longer. When a cultivator has taken food, he will also improve his realm in a short period of time.

As for whether there is such a wonderful utility, I don’t know.

But people just have such a dirty problem. The cheaper the East and White people, the less surprising they are, but as soon as the price is high, the desire to shop is aroused.

For the above two simple reasons, the ‘small hotel’ transaction is getting bigger and bigger. However, the owner of the shop never expands, so those who come here to eat always need to make a reservation in advance.

Lao Wu had never come, and he had also listened to the middle hall in the household department. Therefore, it is not clear that it is not exhaustive, only that spending in a ‘small hotel’ is a very luxurious thing.

Old Wu didn’t quite understand, and Bi Hao was even more confused when he heard what he said. Bi Hao only remembered the analogy that Lao Wu had played.

“We, the inferior people, are treated as laborers for a thousand years, and we can’t afford to order a dish in a ‘small hotel.'”

These words were deeply engraved in Bi Hao’s mind, although this memory had been deposited in the innermost, but when he personally experienced it today, he still remembered it.

“That’s the way it is.” After listening to the wind chime, understand the general nod of the head.

She took out a tweezer made of cowhide from her arms, and then unfolded the folded wallet, allowing Bi Hao to look at the thick mound of a dozen paper-like things.

“What is this?” Wait until Bi Hao is confused.

The wind chime gestured his wallet and fiddled with it in his hand: “This tweezer was given to me by the little lily, and the thing inside is a kind of paper that can be exchanged for gold and silver, and the paper seems to be called a bill.” Little Lily told me that the bills in this wallet, if they were exchanged for gold, would be enough to exchange tons. ”

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