The wind chime patted Bi Hao’s belly with his leather armor: “Therefore, we are now rich.” Even if this ‘small hotel’ is expensive, it will eat at most half a tweezer bill. ”

Bi Hao was completely stupid, not to mention a ton of gold. He just can’t even see 1 ton of fine wheat. Therefore, when the wind chime took his hand and went to the door of the ‘small hotel’ again, Bi Haoji was no longer resisting.

Wind chimes have listened to Reilly talk about the previous events since he was a child, and Reilly, as a disciple of the Soul Family, has played a sword, which is very popular in the whole thing.

These swords are by no means the sons of ordinary people, and they have always had no money on them. And many places, after learning their background, rarely collect money.

In Reilly’s consciousness, he didn’t look at things heavily. The wind chimes naturally look down on fame and fortune.

She wasn’t going to be heartbroken by spending a lot of money, and the wind chimes knew that there was no way that there was no way that she would have heartache about it.

The boy on the other side of the restaurant door must have nothing to say when he looked at people.

Especially after seeing the wallet held by the wind chime, and the cyan lightning bolt and fire printed on the wallet. The smile on his face was like a blooming peony flower, and he hurried towards the wind chimes and greeted the two men.

“Welcome to the ‘Little Hotel’ and we will make you feel at home.” The pair of doormen and servants composed of handsome men and beautiful women spoke to the wind chimes and Bi Hao at the same time.

Although they spoke at the same time, the voices of the two sides were not interlaced and disturbed. In the wind chimes sound, the voice of the beautiful boy is deeper. In Bi Hao’s voice, he could only hear the delicate and slow words of the eyebrows.

Feng Chime’s heart was dark: “No wonder this ‘small hotel’ is rumored to be incomparably mysterious, and the outermost doormen waiting are actually the mystics of the foundation building period.” This façade is really big enough. ”

The wind chimes are still small, but there are many hearts and eyes. She immediately smiled at the beautiful boy in front of her, but asked with great authority: “We are new here, I don’t know if there is anything delicious in your restaurant?” ”

When the wind chime asked, the crush doorman was throwing his glamour eyes at Bi Hao. However, in addition to looking at her, Bi Hao began to look at the wind chimes sideways, as if he couldn’t see enough.

The female doorman can also be said to be a lot of people, and in the case of temptation, she has seen that Bi Hao has no right to speak. Therefore, she was also lazy to waste time on Bi Hao, and after making a secret note with the male doorman, she slowly retreated without leaving a trace.

After hearing the inquiry, the super handsome pot in front of the wind chime quickly replied: “Back to this young lady, our ‘small hotel’ is the best restaurant in the whole Golden Country, and it is also very likely to be the best restaurant in the whole new world.” And we have three levels of wine and dishes here at the high school and lower levels, which can fully meet your various needs. ”

The doorman replied very professionally, and did not have any contempt for the wind chime because she was very young.

The people who can be sent to the front of the ‘small hotel’ must have been the ones who have been in the main hall for more than 3 years. They had seen a multitude of people and come up with a theorem. The more people who seem to have no money, the more they are shocked every time they spend money. The rich man who looked rich did not have the courage to sit in the elegant room on the third floor.

If the practitioner, the theorem is even more strange. The longer the more normal people, the strength can only be said to be average. Like the wind chime, a girl who looks only thirteen to fourteen years old is most likely an old woman who is 40 to 50 years old.

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