Bi Hao said softly to the wind chime, “Either just wait a while, the time is not long.” ”

The wind chime smiled at Bi Hao and said, “He means that we are going to sit with two strangers in a while, right?” ”

The last two words are naturally inquiring about the doorman.

The shallow smile on the doorman’s face that quickly nodded his head had never disappeared.

“Miss Return, indeed. Because there are many guests who come to our restaurant every day to eat, it is inevitable that they will have to share the table to eat. But you can order your own food and calculate your own account. At this point, we will not be confused. ”

“But I don’t like to eat with strangers.” The wind chime shook his head: “And in your restaurant, apart from this little cabbage, why don’t you provide meat dishes?” ”

The doorman’s waist bent even lower: “That’s right, because of the constraints of price, there is a supply of meat dishes above the second floor.” However, in terms of price, there is a relatively large increase. ”

The wind chime slapped the meat palm a few times with the wallet: “The problem that money can handle is not a problem.” Do you see that our wallet is thick? ”

The doorman sweated on his head, and he muttered in his heart: “It seems that I have encountered a stubble, I have not been working as a doorman for a long time, and I must not go wrong.” ”

He quickly and respectfully replied: “Thick, this wallet is very thick.” ”

The wind chime crossed his waist and asked again, “Is that a lack of money or what?” ”

The doorman quietly shook his palm, all beads of sweat.

“There is no shortage of money, Miss, you will be short of money.”

The wind chime’s small eyes narrowed: “Even if there is no shortage of money, why don’t you hurry up and open the road?” Immediately after a bunch of strangers crowded together, there is no meat to eat, my big brother Bi Hao what habit to eat? ”

Bi Hao was still the first time he encountered the wind chime, and he stuck it in the wind chime’s ear and said, “Actually, I am used to eating, and your eldest brother has said not to run into trouble.” We are not hungry, we can eat at will. ”

The wind chime said, “Big Brother Bi Hao, we are rich now, and we are afraid of what we will do with money.” Horizontal and vertical lilies have land for money, not for nothing. ”

Bi Hao opened his lips again, but said nothing.

Seeing that Bi Hao’s persuasion was fruitless, the knowledgeable doorman was even more afraid to speak.

He turned his head to look at the treasurer sitting at the service desk, who had already realized the situation and was looking at him sideways.

“What about the treasurer?” The doorman reported with a vision that had already been set.

The treasurer’s eyes widened, which meant “Take them to the second floor, and then pay more attention.” ”

When their eyes exchanged, Bi Hao also saw the treasurer.

“Huh? Strange, how can I have seen this person? Bi Hao drew a big question mark in his heart.

“Two guests, please come up.” After obtaining the confirmation of the treasurer, the doorman went to the stairs first.

The wind chimes immediately followed, but she found that Bi Hao was still not leaving.

“Big Brother Bi Hao, what do you see?”

Bi Hao shook his head and walked up with the wind chime, but he still glanced in the direction of the treasurer.

“I always felt that the man was somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I had seen him.”

The wind chimes look down as they walk up.

The treasurer shrugged his head and began to pull the abacus, completely unaware of the wind chimes and the two snooping.

But after my wind chimes disappeared from the stairs and stepped onto the second floor. The treasurer, who had no distraction in his mind, pushed the abacus to the old man next to him with great disgust.

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