This old man is the real Mr. Accountant, a huge ‘small hotel’, naturally there is no need for the treasurer to personally settle the account.

The accounting room pressed the abacus, and while quickly recording the account in the account book, he asked: “Treasurer, just now those two children recognize you.” ”

The treasurer pressed his thumb to the seal hall and said slowly, “I don’t recognize it, but I feel as if the guy has seen it somewhere.” ”

The accounting room threw the pen to the book, approached the treasurer’s ear and whispered, “Old man, in fact, I also feel that the guy’s face is familiar, especially the way he looks at you at the moment, which makes me think of ten years ago.” ”

The treasurer’s eyes lit up and he hesitated and said, “Yes, although my appearance has increased and my appearance has obviously changed, my eyes do look very much like that man.” ”

The voice of the accounting room was even lower: “Just now I heard that little girl call that guy Bi Hao’s big brother, I don’t know if this Bi Hao is Bi Bi Hao?” ”

The treasurer inhaled a cool breath, and he closed his eyes and thought about it.

After a while, his eyes opened and he instructed the accounting room, “If it is really Bi Hao, then Lao Wu must have come too.” At that time, under my compulsion, Lao Wu once made a poison oath. If the town is not empty for a day, he will not leave the town for a day. And two or three years ago, Lord Zhu also arranged for a secret figure to go to the town to do things, and incidentally monitor Lao Wu. But now that Bi Hao has appeared, Lao Wu must also be out of town. I have to go and discuss this matter with Lord Zhu, and you are keeping an eye on it here. ”

The accountant respectfully replied: “The old man is relieved, there is me, there is no Lou Zi.” ”

The treasurer’s body turned and came out of the service desk. Then, in the process of greeting the guests, I walked out of the gate.

The accountant had been with the treasurer for decades, and he knew better than anyone about the criticality of things in the town. After the treasurer left, his face became more and more serious.

He raised his hand to summon a buddy, and then whispered two words. The guy bowed his head slightly and went up the stairs.

Saying that the wind chime pulled Bi Hao, he followed the doorman straight to the entrance on the 2nd floor.

At the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, a confidant quickly greeted him. After handing over to the doorman, he bowed to the wind chimes as standard.

“Esteemed guests, this is the 2nd floor of our ‘small hotel’. In this layer, there are many dishes and the number of people is small. I wish the two of you a satisfactory meal. Detailed ordering service affairs, our second floor informant will provide you with the most detailed explanation. My service is for the time being, I hope both of you are satisfied. ”

After saying this, the doorman turned his head and walked down. He really didn’t want to delay too much, because from the eyes of the wind chime, he could see that she was not very satisfied with this layer.

If he reached the 3rd floor, he really couldn’t believe that the two wind chimes could have the money to pay for it.

Although the wallet of the wind chime looks very thick, it can be seen from the tweezers that this guest has a clan background. However, the cost of spending on the third floor is not something that ordinary gold and silver can handle.

The doorman was a shrewd man, and he rushed down the stairs in three steps and two steps to get rid of this non-noisy field.

The acquaintance on the second floor was also very capable, and he guessed the frown from the look on his face when he saw the doorman smelling the wind and the wind.

But at the same time, he also saw the fanny pack in the wind chime’s hand, so he didn’t dare to have a slight look.

“Two guests here please. The elegant table with the window is already ready for the two of you, please sit down. ”

The wind chime was cold and her little face did not move, and she skimmed her eyes to look at the layout of the second floor.

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