The second floor is similar to the ground floor, but the wooden table is obviously much less. In the large dining room, there are only wooden tables with no more than fifty tables.

The number of diners on the second floor was still quite large, and only a few wooden tables were idle in the middle of the sky. Most of the rest are already full of guests.

It’s still a table of four people, and the space to walk around is much larger. And the wine and dishes on the table are also very rich, and the air is full of strong aromas.

Bi Hao had eaten a lot of meals in the Crown Prince’s Mansion in the morning, and now there was no noon meal. But just by smelling the smell in the air, he was already going to cry.

But if the wind chimes don’t move, he naturally doesn’t move. Even though he was a few years older than the wind chimes, the real decision was not in his hands.

The wind chime skimmed her small mouth and said, “The number of people in this layer is still very large, and when Princess Ben eats, she doesn’t like to be stared at by so many people.” Isn’t there a private room in your hotel? ”

As soon as the Zhike felt ‘Gordon’ in his heart, he finally figured out the reason why the doorman ran so fast.

If this situation is usually encountered, Zhike will have a hundred ways to deal with it. Usually, as long as the third floor is used to eat, guests who have those requirements will be allowed to take the initiative to exit.

But today, when facing the wind chimes, especially when facing the bulging wallet, he was really embarrassed.

This wallet with lightning and fire on it was only three in the Great Golden Kingdom.

One was in the hands of Crown Prince Zi Wuji, and the other was owned by Grand Princess Zi Wenqing. There is also a master, that is, the only son of the shoulder to shoulder king, Zi Mo Ning, nicknamed ‘secret police’.

“This fanny pack will not be fake, among the Golden Kingdom, who can dare to make this fake?” Zhike wondered in his heart: “The only possibility is that one of the three people gave this piece of money to this girl’s head.” ”

Zhike quickly made a decision in his heart, this kind of character, he certainly did not dare to provoke.

With a smile on his face, he said, “There are indeed private rooms on the third floor, but there are already guests in the three boxes.” ”

The wind chimes opened the fanny pack, took out three or four bills and gave them to the Zhike, and then whispered: “A very large hotel, there will not be only three boxes, right?” Even if there are three private rooms, you can accommodate both of us, right? ”

Zhike stared at the two bills handed by the wind chime, his eyes were straight, he choked saliva, but did not dare to answer.

The wind chime deceived himself, shoved the bill into the hands of the Zhike, and said generously: “Take it, can you do it and talk about it later, it should be a gift.” ”

This kind of wind chimes is old and sophisticated, which makes the knower secretly tremble with fear. Holding in his hand the true bill, this is a few bags of ocean treasures.

Zhike said that he could not believe anything, and the little girl in front of him was only thirteen to fourteen years old.

A strange thought arose in his heart: “Will this girl be the personal bodyguard next to the crown prince, the sister of the Purple Cloud Dragon who made a disturbance at the ‘small hotel’ five years ago?” ”

The more Zhike thought about it, the more years had passed, and maybe Purple Rain Phoenix was a few years older.

He thought about it for a long time, but finally hid the bill in his arms.

Then he whispered to the wind chimes, “In that case, Miss please come with me.” ”

He led the way in front, and the two wind chimes followed them up to the 3rd floor.

The guests sitting in the dining room on the second floor all looked over to this place, but no one dared to say anything.

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