His direction was so obvious, Bi Hao knew at a glance that he was looking for himself, because, on the stairs at this time, except for him and the wind chime, no one else was going up and down.

Seeing this, Bi Hao shuddered and silently recited it in his heart.

“What is he going to do?”

The face of the wind chime was curled, and it seemed to be like a great enemy.

And, before that, the two did not know the monk at all, and did not know why he was targeting the two men in this way.

After the monk approached, he stopped three or four steps away from the two of them, and his gaze first swept Bi Hao, and finally swept the wind chime, and finally, his gaze fell back on Bi Hao.

He muttered to himself.

“Guests from another time and space!”

Some cold tone instantly made Bi Hao shudder, even the wind chimes were frightened, she looked at Bi Hao in shock, and Bi Hao also looked at her.

But now, Bi Hao didn’t have time to waste so much time with the wind chimes.

He looked quickly at the monk, quite shocked in his heart.

“Who are you?”

Bi Hao could be quite sure that he didn’t know this monk at all, so without knowing him, he didn’t understand how others could know his origin at once?

Opposite, the monk smiled coldly.

He said.

“You will upset the balance of this space-time and bring disaster to this space-time, so you must die today!”

Upon listening, Bi Hao was completely speechless.

There are so many cultivators here, how can it be certain that such an ordinary person as he will destroy this time and space and bring disaster to this time and space?

You know, Bi Hao walked in the sea of people, he was quite ordinary.

As soon as the wind chime heard it, she saw that the monk was going to kill Bi Hao, and she couldn’t help but shout out for Bi Hao.

“What are you?” What are you talking about? What will break the rules of this time and space and what will bring disaster to this time and space? ”

Seeing that the wind chimes did not understand, the monk’s face turned cold.

As soon as he drew his sword, he first pointed to the wind chime and said coldly.

“You’ll end up being killed by him!” And he…”

The monk’s sword suddenly pointed at Bi Hao.

“He will eventually destroy this time and space, he is not a person of this time and space, he is a guest from afar, he never belongs here, he will bring disaster to our place!” 」

Upon hearing this, all the people present were in an uproar.

After all, this time and space is where they live, and if Bi Hao’s existence will bring disaster to their homeland and territory, then everyone will unanimously deal with Bi Hao in the outside world.

And Bi Hao also felt the pressure, and he looked around in shock.

But I saw that all the people, who had already stood up and sitting, were all looking at him in unison, and Bi Hao felt the pressure from all directions.

Is this a prelude to making enemies of the world?

After hearing the monk’s words, the wind chime also looked at Bi Hao in shock, and the monk said that she would eventually be killed by him, is this true?

However, the relationship between the two was so good, Wind Chimes did not believe that Bi Hao would harm himself.

Bi Hao had originally looked at the crowd of people on all sides, and after feeling the sight of the wind chime, he looked at the wind chime sheepishly, and then looked at her.

A pair of eyes on her, Bi Hao instantly froze.

Naturally, he remembered the monk’s words, and the monk said that he would eventually kill the wind chime.

Therefore, after seeing the suspicious and shocked eyes of the wind chime, Bi Hao’s heart tightened, he would not harm her, this is for sure, he will never harm her!

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