Looking at the look in the wind chime’s eyes, Bi Hao’s heart was very uncomfortable.

He didn’t know how to explain it to the wind chime, after all, about his identity, he really didn’t know how to say it to the wind chime, so the only thing he could say was:

“I won’t harm you, absolutely not!”

Upon listening, the wind chimes were obviously frightened, her eyes were somewhat complicated, and at that moment, she turned a thousand times in her heart.

Although she and Bi Hao had known each other for a short time, no matter how short it was, at least it was longer than the monk who suddenly appeared in front of her.

In this way, she suddenly listened to the monk’s words, and doubted Bi Hao, and the wind chime couldn’t help but feel very undeserved.

Although, this monk’s aura did have a little bit of a look, and it was easy for people to listen to his words.

However, the wind chimes still feel guilty for listening to others casually and doubting Bi Hao.


She nodded at Bi Hao and said.

“I believe in you.”

Seeing this, Bi Hao shallow and shallow lips, and finally let the wind chimes believe in themselves, going out, the most feared is the internal contradiction.

This damn monk, not to mention the truth or falsity of what he said, he clearly wanted the two to be infighting, so he said that the wind chimes would be killed by himself.

Seeing that the other party had such malice, Bi Hao looked at the monk.

At this time, he already had the intention of killing in his heart.

If the other party stopped here, he would let the monk go, but if the monk continued to separate the two people, Bi Hao might really kill him.

Bi Hao looked at the monk’s eyes, which were completely cold.

On the other side, the monk also saw it.

When he saw that Bi Hao actually had a killing heart for himself, he smiled coldly, and he himself raised his sword to point at Bi Hao, which was the kind of fingering of the sword in the sheath of the sword, and did not draw the sword.

But now, he began to withdraw his hand, put the sword across his chest, and began to draw the sword.

He smiled coldly, drawing his sword point by point, while also laughing coldly.

“Sure enough, if you are going to kill your heart, I know that you will bring disaster to our time and space.”

Bi Hao only looked at him coldly and didn’t say a word.

He all felt that this monk was strange, first the monk came to say a word to everyone, let Bi Hao make enemies with everyone, he would kill the monk, it was also very normal, right? Is this still Bi Hao’s fault?

Bi Hao and this kind of person are too lazy to beep.

Without saying a word, he was already raised with one hand, and then, in an instant, the control panel of the system appeared in front of Bi Hao’s palm out of thin air.

Looking at this scene, the wind chimes were quite shocked.

Bi Hao’s weapon was indeed a little strange, and she couldn’t help but think of what the monk had said, Bi Hao, as if he really didn’t look like a person in this time and space.

However, can it really come to this time and space from other time and space?

Between the frowns and contemplations of the wind chime, Bi Hao was already controlling the panel of the system, he was very skilled, his fingers quickly clicked on the panel a few times, and the sound of the system appeared in Bi Hao’s mind.

“The system is still crashing and it is impossible to call up weapons!”

Upon listening, Bi Hao’s originally calm and indifferent face instantly appeared a shiver, and the next second, he instantly scolded in his heart.

“I’ve got a go!”

Unable to raise his weapon, how could he fight the monk in front of him?

With his bare hands, he simply can’t win against someone else with a weapon, right?

The monk saw Bi Hao calling out his weapon there, and although he couldn’t understand Bi Hao’s strange panel, he seemed to guess that Bi Hao was calling out the weapon.

Therefore, the speed at which he drew his sword had increased significantly just now.

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