At this moment, he saw that he had already drawn the Samurai Sword, and he saw that Bi Hao was still operating there, and whether Bi Hao had drawn the sword or not, he immediately slashed it with a sword.

“Go and die!”

At the first sight, Bi Hao was shocked, and he immediately ordered the system.

“Escape mode!”

Speaking of which, Bi Hao’s first instinct was to subconsciously pull the wind chime’s hand, after all, he couldn’t leave her here, and the monk might kill the wind chime.

Almost at the moment when the monk cut it, everything was only a matter of seconds, and the system said at this time.

“Escape mode is turned on urgently!”

“Escape mode is turned on, teleportation complete!”

In the blink of an eye, the moment the monk’s sword touched Bi Hao, Bi Hao also disappeared out of thin air, so after the monk split the air, he looked at the absence of Bi Hao’s trace in front of him, and he couldn’t help but shudder.

Bi Hao disappeared, but in front of everyone, so everyone saw this strange behavior of Bi Hao.

Thinking about what the monk said, everyone couldn’t help but believe the monk’s words even more.

At this moment, the monk looked at the emptiness in front of him, and he murmured.

“Teleportation Power!”


On the other hand, after Bi Hao escaped with the wind chime, because it was an emergency escape channel, he did not know where the system would teleport him.

When he suddenly appeared in the middle of a forest, he shuddered.

Beside him, the wind chime’s hand was tightly pulled by him.

She saw the two suddenly appear in this forest, she couldn’t help but shudder, she first looked around, looking around at a peaceful, in addition to the birds, it was the trees and flowers, feeling that there were no demon beasts.

After the wind chime made sure that the environment between the two was safe, she looked at Bi Hao.

At this moment, he was looking around sheepishly, as if he was determining the environment and location, and when he saw this, the wind chime threw away his hand.

Bi Hao felt it, and he looked over with a look of confusion.

The wind chime took a few steps back at this time, far away from Bi Hao, she asked.

“Who the hell are you?”

Upon hearing this, Bi Hao was momentarily stunned, he was dumbfounded, and he could not answer for a while.

When the wind chimes saw him like this, they were even angrier.

“Just now, what the monk said, is it true?” Are you really a person from another time and space? ”

Seeing this, Bi Hao looked at her and could not answer for a moment.

He was silent and silent.

The wind chime retreated to a distance of three or four steps from him, and finally stopped, and she seemed to be somewhat injured.

“How much else are you hiding from me?”

Seeing her like this, Bi Hao was also a little uncomfortable, and his voice was a little hoarse.

“I didn’t deliberately hide from you, your origins, and I didn’t ask much, did I?” Since this is the case, I hope you respect me. ”

Hearing the words, the wind chimes flashed complexity in their eyes.

After a moment of silence, she changed her mouth firmly.

“That’s different, although I have hidden from you and my life, I have no ill will toward you, I never wanted to hurt you, but you, the monk, said, you will kill me and even destroy our homeland.”

On the other side, Bi Hao frowned tightly.

He felt that the monk was chattering, but what he said seemed to have a certain degree of confidence.

For example, everyone didn’t know that Bi Hao was from another time and space, but the monk could know it at once, which showed that he still knew something.

Although he was hostile to the monk, Bi Hao was eager to find the monk and ask him what else he knew.

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