
The surroundings were still very quiet, there was no sound, and this sense of oppression made Bi Hao feel very uncomfortable.

When he saw the system, he didn’t say a word, and he couldn’t help but silently call the system in his heart.

“System? system…”

However, the system has not responded, seeing this, Bi Hao is simply nervous to the extreme, he almost wants to scold the mother.

“You answered, I’ll go to your grandmother.”

Finally, the system finally answered.

“In standby…”


Bi Hao wanted to roll his eyes, he looked around warily, asking about the system.

“Can you detect anything?” Where are those foxes hiding? ”

The system answers.

“It can’t be detected, and the region is not included in the map.”

In the face of the situation that the system could not handle, Bi Hao had gradually become accustomed to it, and he no longer pinned his hopes on the system, but was ready to rely on himself.

At this moment, a sparse sound suddenly came from all around.

As soon as Bi Hao heard this, he immediately changed from a vigilant state to a more vigilant state, and he looked around with a calm face, and at this moment, those fox demon beasts also all appeared.

They are first run from all sides by the fox itself, and then, hiding next to the trees and behind the leaves, they have turned into human forms.

However, they are not the kind whose faces are human, but maintain the strange appearance of a human form, the hair on their bodies, and their faces, all of which are in the shape of foxes.

Looking at so many fox demon beasts, Bi Hao’s heart was cold.

No matter how strong the cattle are, they can’t resist the attack of thousands of troops and horses, and he thinks in his heart: He is going to be finished.

Just then, a woman Yingying approached.

It was a young and beautiful woman, Bi Hao looked at it, only to see that the woman was still followed by the appearance of a small follower, and those small followers were obviously holding wind chimes.

At first sight it was a real wind chime, Bi Hao was anxious.

“Wind chimes.”

The wind chime also saw Bi Hao, and she frowned, however, she didn’t say anything.

She had a conflict with him during the day, she did not expect that he would finally come back to save himself, the wind chimes were somewhat moved, but more of a guilt, because it was Bi Hao who was involved with himself.

When the leading fox woman arrived, she stopped far away.


In this world system, most people advocate cultivating immortals, but there are also ordinary people, and some people are not talented at all, and they can’t cultivate.

Therefore, if you think of Bi Hao like this, you belong to the cultivator.

Bi Hao looked at the beautiful woman, he estimated that the other party should be the boss of these fox demon beasts, his heart moved, and he secretly scolded: In vain, the two will eventually become enemies.

Bi Hao adjusted his mood as he asked the woman.

“Why did you arrest my friend?” Let her go. ”

Hearing this, the leading woman smiled lightly, seemingly dismissively.

She looked slightly sideways at the wind chime, and the little foxes who held the wind chime also escorted the wind chime, and the leading woman gently touched the face of the wind chime with her onion white jade hand.

“Friends? Do you like her? ”

This question made Bi Hao ask a question, and he subconsciously looked at the wind chime.

And the wind chime was obviously also shy, his eyes were wide open, and he didn’t say a word when he looked at Bi Hao.

Probably out of the fox’s jealous nature, the leading woman looked over and she asked Bi Hao.

“Is she as pretty as me?”

Isn’t it time to ask these questions?

Bi Hao was quite speechless, thinking in his heart: It is true that women, whether human or animal, cannot escape the pursuit of beauty.

Bi Hao didn’t say a word, he wasn’t ready to answer such a childish question.

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