The leading woman saw that Bi Hao did not speak, and she began to walk around the wind chime, and the long and white furry clothes, which seemed to be the fur of her body, were dragged on the ground and looked very noble.

“In this world, no one has ever been able to be beautiful enough to be me, I have been practicing for ten thousand years, and the longer we foxes practice, the more beautiful we are, so I am the first beauty in the world.”

Bi Hao listened, and he raised an eyebrow.

Although he admitted that she was good-looking, but she was so vicious, she grabbed his friend and wanted to do harm, no matter how beautiful she was, Bi Hao could not appreciate it.

Although, she does look a little prettier than the wind chime, mainly because of her nobility.

At this moment, the leading woman walked to the side of the wind chime, and she looked at Bi Hao.

“If you had to choose one of the two of us, who would you choose?”

Bi Hao was afraid to hear these words.

If he was only about beauty, regardless of personality, he might choose that fox woman, but if it was in reality, Bi Hao felt that he would still choose the wind chime, and he would definitely not choose the enemy.

He gave a cold cry, persecuting.

“Don’t talk so much nonsense, you just say, how are you going to let people go?”

Hearing this, the fox woman raised an eyebrow.

She seemed very calm.

“What about letting you two go?” No one has ever been able to come out of this black mountain forest, and you are no exception, here only people who have accidentally broken in, people who have never come out alive. ”

Upon listening, Bi Hao moved in his heart.

Fortunately, he has the power of systematic teleportation, otherwise, he may really be desperate.

But Bi Hao had this special power, and he wouldn’t tell those fox clans.

He just said.

“You should leave me alone, in short, you quickly said, how are you going to let people go?”

When the fox woman saw that Bi Hao did not listen to advice, she laughed coldly and disdainfully.

She squinted, looked at Bi Hao silently, and did not say a word, her face was cold, at that moment, staring at Bi Hao with such a face and eyes, she did not know what she was thinking.

Only to see her say, and a little muttered the kind.

“It seems that you really care about her.”

The next second, the fox woman actually slapped the heart of the wind chime because of jealousy, she shot too fast, everyone was unexpected, even the wind chime did not expect her to shoot.

After the wind chime was slapped, it made a “wow” sound of pain and directly vomited blood.

And that fox woman, she was originally the hand of the white hand, in this second instantly turned into a fox claw, don’t look at her beauty, but the vicious heart is fiercer than anyone.

With one claw, she grabbed the heart of the wind chime, and her nails had pointed claws, so that she directly pinched into the heart of the wind chime.

Dig Dan?!

As soon as Bi Hao saw it, he instantly understood that this fox woman was obviously pulling out the true Dan of the wind chime.

Seeing that she said that killing people would kill people, Bi Hao was completely stunned.

In just a few seconds, he reacted and rushed over in anger.


When the fox woman saw Bi Hao rush over, her face sank, and she pinched the claws into the mouth of the wind chime’s heart, and jerked it like this, and then, the true Dan of the wind chime, as a cultivator, was directly pulled out by this beautiful and vicious woman.

The pain of the destruction of the flesh obviously made the wind chimes unbearable.

The moment her Zhendan was pulled out, she also screamed in pain.


The fox woman seemed to want to take the wind chime’s Zhendan at this time, but Bi Hao had already rushed in, and he was already enraged by the cruelty of the fox woman.

He punched him.

“I’m going to Nyima’s!”

The system beeped almost at the same time.

“Weapon disarmed!”

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