Bi Hao punched him, but the fox woman dodged away, preventing her from taking Zhendan, and she dodged to the side.

At this moment, Bi Hao heard what the system said, he raised his hand to grasp it, and in an instant, the large knife he had used to use suddenly flashed in his hand.

The weapon will appear because Bi Hao’s anger broke through the ban and unsealed the weapon in the system.

When the fox woman saw that Bi Hao had already started to kill, her face rose up.

Bi Hao moved quickly, raising his knife and rushing to the side of the wind chime, the two little demons who were holding the wind chime saw the situation and were frightened to throw down the wind chime to escape.

However, Bi Hao was not prepared to let them go.

He raised his knife and slashed away at once, and the strong and sharp knife qi went straight to the two little demons, killing them at once, and they directly fell to the ground, obviously dead.

When the fox woman saw it, her face turned angry.

“Do you dare to kill my people?”

Bi Hao did not have time to pay attention to her, and quickly rushed to the front of the wind chime, which was about to fall to the ground at this time, and was firmly supported by Bi Hao, who arrived in time.

He held the wind chime to a quick half-crouch, letting her body stretch as far as possible, and asked anxiously.

“Wind chimes, are you all right?”

At this moment, the corners of the wind chime’s mouth were spilling blood, her teeth were stained red, and it looked particularly horrible, and she smiled bitterly and said hard.

“My true dan was taken by her, and I can’t live.”

True Dan is something as important as the heart, ordinary people do not have True Dan, only cultivators can have True Dan, it is equivalent to the second heart.

Ordinary people can live normally without true Dan.

However, once a cultivator has formed a True Dan in his body and is taken away, it is like a heart being taken away, there will be no such thing as restoring civilians, and he will only die directly.

Bi Hao looked at the dying wind chime, he was very painful and guilty.

“I hurt you.”

The wind chimes just smiled weakly, and she seemed unable to speak, with no strength.

Seeing this, Bi Hao looked at the fox woman and roared.

“Give her back Zhendan!”

However, after the fox woman listened, she only smiled coldly, and she immediately took Zhendan down, and the next second, her whole body began to stretch out.

“The constant flow of power, her true dan, seems to be better than the average person.”

When Bi Hao saw that she had swallowed the wind chime’s Zhen Dan, he was furious and immediately put down the wind chime to rush over.

“Give her back Zhendan.”

The two immediately fought, Bi Hao was like crazy, raising his knife and slashing, he attacked very fiercely, the fox woman kept dodging, and finally, she used her tail to roll Bi Hao, and his whole person was rolled up in mid-air.

Seeing this, the fox woman smiled coldly.

As soon as she laughed, Bi Hao fiercely raised his knife and slashed at her tail, Bi Hao’s knife was very fierce, it was a knife that directly cut her tail, and the fox woman cried out in pain.

And Bi Hao also fell down at this time.

He rolled over on the ground a few times, then stabilized himself, plunged a knife directly into the dirt, and looked up at the fox woman coldly.

Bi Hao never thought that he would kill the wind chimes so quickly.

The fox woman broke a tail, the severed tail was covered in blood, she looked at her beloved tail, the bright red blood under the already white fur, she looked at Bi Hao with resentment.

“You… Damn it! ”

The fox woman seemed to be rushing over again to fight.

Bi Hao immediately stood up when he saw this, however, the system’s prompt tone sounded at this time.

“The Vigorous Enhancement Pill has less than 15 minutes left, and Miss Wind Chime’s health drops by 70%… 60%…… 50%……”

Bi Hao didn’t care about his Great Enhancement Pill at all, he was only shocked when he heard the system report the health of the wind chime.

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