No, if you continue like this, the wind chimes will die.

The potion in the system is only useful to Bi Hao himself, that is because he is the host, but the wind chime is not bound, plus, she is a person in this time and space, and the potion in the system is useless to the wind chime.

Bi Hao was no longer in love with war, and slashed it with a fierce knife.

The fox woman was shocked and immediately dodged away, and Bi Hao took advantage of this kung fu to rush towards the wind chime.

He quickly supported the wind chime, and the gesture was to activate the self-escape function of the system.

However, when the fox woman saw that Bi Hao wanted to escape, she gave a cold voice.

“Want to escape? Not so easy. ”

She immediately rolled her tail towards Bi Hao, and as Bi Hao was mobilizing the system, her tail also wrapped around Bi Hao’s body.

“Escape mode, turn on.”

The two went to accomplish these things almost at the same second, Bi Hao read the order at that moment, and the fox woman also wrapped her tail around Bi Hao at that moment.

Then, in front of all the little demons, the three of them disappeared out of thin air in unison.

After Bi Hao followed the wind chime out of the outside world, he was shocked to see that the fox woman had also been brought out.


At first, the fox woman was ready to continue to kill Bi Hao, but she couldn’t help but be shocked to see that she had actually come out of the Black Mountain Wild Forest.

You know, before this, she had been living in the Black Mountain Wild Forest and had never come out.

She had no time to manage Bi Hao, and looked around.

“I’m out? I’m out…”

Seeing that she had no intention of attacking himself for a moment, Bi Hao did not have time to pay attention to her, he withdrew his gaze, looked anxiously at the wind chime, and called out to her urgently.

“Wind chimes, wind chimes, how are you?”

At this time, the health of the wind chimes has been reduced little by little, and the system is reading the numbers.

“30%…… 20%…… 10%……”

Bi Hao listened, and he froze.

If she went on like this, the wind chimes would die, and he didn’t expect that she would die like this, which was very unexpected.

The fox woman on the side looked over, and she looked at the dying wind chime, and her heart moved.

The wind chime will die, it is because she has taken the true Dan of the wind chime, the fox woman looks at Bi Hao, she can come out, all thanks to Bi Hao’s cause.

Therefore, thinking of this, the fox woman’s eyes were cold, and she immediately clapped.

Bi Hao felt it, and he raised his knife and slashed away.

“What do you want to do?”

The blade went straight to the fox woman, she was shocked, she had to rush to dodge again, she saw Bi Hao misunderstood herself, she said hurriedly.

“I’m helping you, she’s dying, but I can save her!”

Upon hearing this, Bi Hao immediately froze.

After the fox woman stabilized her body at this time, she Yingying stepped over and glanced at the dying wind chimes on the ground, and then looked at Bi Hao.

“We, the fox clan, have always been taking other people’s true Dan to improve our own cultivation, but people on the outside may not know that our fox clan has always had a cultivation that is unknown to people on the outside world, that is, to return the soul, her life is about to be consumed, you don’t believe me, you can only believe me.”

With that, the fox woman walked over to the wind chime.

She stood there and began to slowly move her hands, Bi Hao watched, shyly, without stopping.

At this time, after seeing the fox woman after transporting her hands, she slapped the wind chime, and the wind chime’s whole body trembled, and her whole body began to be sucked up by her skill.

After the wind chime sat upright, the fox woman stood behind her, and the fox woman sucked into her heart.

Then, she drew a cloud of green gas from her heart and slowly injected it into the top of the wind chime’s head.

Looking at this scene, Bi Hao was stunned.

He didn’t know what the fox woman was doing, but he felt that she should be saving people.

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