The fox demon was lying on the ground shivering, she was very sorry at this moment, why did she do it to the wind chimes before, but now even if she regretted it was completely useless, it seemed that only the true Dan that she had taken out herself could escape from a dead end in front of her, so she looked at Bi Hao and nodded sincerely, “You believe me, I will be able to give you the True Dan, as long as you don’t hurt me, I can do anything.” ”

“Is it really possible to do anything?” Bi Hao said meaningfully, “If you were to die now, would you be willing?” ”

The fox demon shut up and told her to die now, how could it be? The reason why she was willing to take out Zhendan before was to save her life, and as a result, she was now sick and let her die, if this was true, then what should she do? So the fox demon lay on the ground, his eyes turning rapidly and thinking about the way back, at this time Bi Hao smiled lightly and said, “You take out the True Dan and I will let you go.” ”

He didn’t plan to kill this fox demon, but if this fox demon couldn’t get out of Zhen Dan, then don’t blame him for using some extreme means.

The fox demon looked up at Bi Hao with cringe, “Are you really going to let me go?” ”

“I’ve always done what I say, and if you don’t believe me, then I can’t do it, so I might as well just take it out.” Bi Hao saw that this fox demon was still half-convinced, and he didn’t bother to talk nonsense with her, the wind chimes were in the air at the moment, and he didn’t want to delay too much time.

“No, no, no, I’ll take it, I’ll take it.” The fox demon did not dare to procrastinate, and nodded hurriedly.

At present, Bi Hao is willing to let her go, that is naturally the best, and more cooperation is the best way to escape.

As she said this, the fox demon’s claws reached to her heart, and then she saw that the fox demon’s face turned distorted, as if it had endured great pain, and she couldn’t help but cry, “Ah-ah-”

You can see that the green tendons on her face are faintly exposed, and you can see that the face of a fox demon with fur is shaking.

Bi Hao’s face was a little unbearable, but he thought about it, this fox demon would rather bear such a great pain than let him take Dan, that shows that the human method of taking Dan is obviously more painful for the fox demon, how terrible is this Dan method? At this time, the black cat in Bi Hao’s hand also began to cry, and seeing his own demon beast fellow suffered, he couldn’t help but feel a little concerned.

“She’s being treated like this because she’s done something wrong, and if it weren’t for the fact that she dug up my friend’s True Dan, she wouldn’t have suffered like this, and if you think she’s pitiful, then you can go and save her, but if you’re careful, we’ll be enemies.” Bi Hao felt the black cat’s heart rise and fall, and he whispered a faint smile, “If you do something wrong in the future, I will do the same to you, so you must be obedient to be my pet, understand?” ”

The black cat was threatened, and the cold hair on his back exploded, but he could tell that his master did not really want to give up on him, so he meekly licked the hair again, and his eyes narrowed slightly, “Rest assured master, I will not betray you.” ”

Bi Hao smiled with satisfaction, not knowing whether what the black cat said was true or not, but since he said so, he would treat the black cat as his pet and treat it sincerely.

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