Feeling Bi Hao’s sincerity, the black cat squinted with satisfaction, and it was obvious that his master was still very reliable.

At this time, Bi Hao looked down and saw that the fox demon had already taken out a bright yellow true dan, and he picked up the true dan and smelled a unique smell from the fox, but there was a faint fragrance

“This is the true Dan unique to the fox family, bright yellow, well, or a Ten Thousand Year True Dan, not bad.” The old Daoist priest squinted his eyes and pinched his chin, looked at the Zhendan with a smile and said, “Your friend should be able to wake up after eating this Zhendan.” ”

Bi Hao looked down at the fox demon lying on the ground dying at this moment, a little unbearable, “Can you rescue him?” Good evil gave her the strength to be able to leave this place. ”

The old Daoist nodded slightly, and with one finger of his hand, he saw a green light enveloping the fox demon’s body, and it was obvious that after receiving the light, the fox demon’s face immediately turned rosy, and he felt that the qi and blood of the body were recovering.

The fox demon hissed, and when he woke up from his coma, he found that his shattered body after he had just taken out the True Dan was now back alive and new.

“What’s going on here?” The fox demon said with a shocked face.

“Okay, since you have also woken up, your body has been repaired by me, and you can re-cultivate in the future and you can step into the demon path again, but remember not to harm people, I think your nature should not be too bad, as long as you cultivate well in the future to become a fairy fox, it is not impossible, but this ten thousand years of cultivation is a pity.” The old Daoist priest laughed, “The so-called one report is also one report, without your previous evil consequences, there will be no end today.” ”

The fox demon’s face showed shyness, but in a flash of thought, she was a little puzzled that as a demon beast and a human being, she was originally different from each other, and even if she was harming people, it was a matter of course, but she was unlucky, and she just happened to be caught.

She was thinking like this, but the old Daoist priest smiled and said, “You still have to thank this little brother Bi Hao, if it weren’t for his intercession, I might really have taken out your True Dan directly with human methods, which would be a hundred thousand times more painful than you are now voluntarily taking out the True Dan.” ”

At the thought of the human method of taking Dan, the fox demon immediately trembled and got goosebumps.

The black cat on the side meowed, looked at the fox demon and said, “Anyway, you don’t have any cultivation now, or you follow my master, let my master take you to cultivate, maybe you can re-enter the Immortal Dao later.” ”

The fox thought for a moment and shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, I still like the mountains, I want to go back to my old place.” ”

Bi Hao didn’t feel sorry for what he heard.

This fox demon is also good and evil, and staying around does not know whether it is a blessing or a curse, so it will be better to let it return to the mountains and forests, so as not to have a knife behind his back at any time, this fox demon is much more dangerous than the black cat.

The old Daoist priest laughed, “Since you want to go back to your original Black Mountain, then I will send you back.” “Tell me about the old Taoist who grabbed it with his hand, tore open a crack in the space, and sent the fox back to his hometown.

“She doesn’t have any cultivation now, will she be bullied when she returns to her hometown?” Bi Hao asked worriedly.

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