As a result, Phoenix just whispered, “Your previous personality is not bad, it can only be said that it is too high and cold, and you can’t see anything in your eyes.” ”

“At that time, you were indifferent to all the people in sight, not even your father.” Phoenix sighed and continued, “None of them have ever been in your eyes, including me. ”

“If that’s the case, then it’s a good thing that I’ve lost my memory.” Bi Hao smiled awkwardly.

Phoenix looked at him and said, with infinite tenderness in his eyes, “I have not responded to your kindness before, and now that I am good to you, should you not also respond to me?” ”

This is the naked temptation and provocation, Bi Hao hardened his scalp, took a deep breath, and said slowly: “You are such a beautiful woman in front of me, do you think I will not be moved?” ”

Phoenix stared at him for half a second, suddenly smiled, and loosened the shackles on Bi Hao, “It seems that after the amnesia, you have finally changed from a god to a mortal, at least a little bit of the seven passions and six desires of mortals, this is good, save the cold after bringing bad children.” ”

Bi Hao was very embarrassed, he wanted to change the subject, so he looked at Phoenix’s delicate face, and suddenly said with a clever move, “Phoenix, how old are you this year?” ”

He regretted it as soon as he asked this question, the most untouchable thing for women is their age, don’t you want to be beaten to death when you ask this?

How could Phoenix be an ordinary woman, she just smiled slightly and looked at Bi Hao, and said with a gentle face, “I am one year younger than you, and I am seventeen years old this year.” ”

No wonder Bi Hao and Phoenix were hated by people, they were able to break through a world in this continent at such a young age, and they had a great reputation, in other words, he would definitely be jealous of others.

What’s more, not to mention, Bi Hao’s face is still quite good-looking, and it is no wonder that Li Xiuyuan’s daughter will fall madly in love with him.

In the face of such a young talent, even the phoenix will be moved, not to mention other women.

“That means I’m eighteen years old…” Bi Hao said thoughtfully.

“Okay, don’t talk about this, go out with me, and I’ll take you to see what real cultivation is.” Phoenix smiled and suddenly pulled up his hand, a warm little hand, pulling Bi Hao’s big hand, ten fingers interlocked, that part of the entanglement, making Bi Hao slightly stunned.

It was a touch he had never felt before.

“Don’t hold me, I’ll go myself.” Bi Hao said rather unnaturally.

“Will you go on your own?” The next place can fly, can you still catch up with me when you run? The phoenix looked at him amusedly, pulled him to stand outside the courtyard, and suddenly summoned a flying sword.

The flying sword suddenly grew larger, like a small boat floating in the air, which could accommodate several people to sit on it.

“It’s awesome.” This kind of magical trick, Bi Hao had only seen Li Xiuyuan take him to use.

“You used to be much better than me.” Phoenix smiled and pulled him onto the flying sword.

The flying sword slowly rose very smoothly, and Bi Hao felt that the Gang Wind began to blow in his face, but for a moment, he didn’t know what method the Phoenix had made, and those Gang Winds disappeared completely.

The two people stood on the flying sword and watched the flying sword fly steadily, and the phoenix seemed to be bored, so she began to chat with Bi Hao again.

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