“You used to be much stronger than me, they all knew that there was a little monster on Mount Kuntong, but they didn’t know that in fact, the playboy on Mount Emei was more powerful than that little monster.” Phoenix smiled and said, “I’ve never beaten you once before.” ”

Bi Hao was slightly surprised and turned his head to look at her, “But didn’t my father say that you are the most talented little monster?” ”

“That’s because it’s a little secret between the two of us, except for you and me, there will be no third person in the whole world who knows, in fact, you Bi Hao is the strongest of the young generation in this world.”

Hearing this, Bi Hao was silent.

It was such a rising star, but he died in shame at the hands of Li Xiuyuan, and in the end, even the corpse capital was not buried.

The more Bi Hao thought about it, the more he felt very depressed.

So, he turned his head and said softly, “If I really wasn’t the Bi Hao you think, in fact, the real Bi Hao would have died a long time ago. ”

Phoenix’s clear and pure eyes revealed a hint of confusion, and then she covered her mouth and smiled softly, that smile was very delicate, “I will never smell your smell, there can be no second Bi Hao in this world.” ”

But there really is, but unfortunately this Bi Hao is a person from another world.

Does he really want to accept everything in this world that the original Lord has?

Accept his wife, accept his father, accept his cultivation, accept everything about him, gradually replace him, become him.

Is this the kind of day you want?

Bi Haoyi was asking himself.

No! Such a day, he did not want.

But thinking about it, if he had said that he did not want to come to Mount Emei, perhaps Li Xiuyuan would have revealed his fierce face at that time, and it was not impossible to directly kill him.

In a way, his choice at that time at least left him a way to live.

He got the system and called the wind and rain on the earth, but when he went to another world, he found that he had done nothing at all, and could only live in the identity of others.

Bi Hao was a little confused and confused.

“However, I don’t think I’m the Bi Hao you’re looking for.” After half a ring, he said very seriously.

Phoenix looked at him again and said, “Whether you’re that Bi Hao or not, at least so far, I don’t think you’ll be someone else.” ”

Bi Hao suddenly wanted to laugh, he lowered his head and said very calmly, “I am definitely not that Bi Hao.” ”

“You just lost your memory, just remember it later.” The phoenix did not care, but gently comforted him from the side.

Phoenix thought he was just at a loss for the memories he had lost.

“Remember? I don’t think I’ll ever be able to remember. Bi Hao laughed bitterly, he was not that person at all, how could he have the memory of that person.

“Host, please don’t be discouraged, you are yourself, accepting the memories of others, but not like yourself!”

The system can even comfort people.

Hearing the system’s gag like this, Bi Hao felt that his mood was suddenly much better.

So he smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter, I believe that I will have the opportunity to let you know who I really am.” ”

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