When he reached the top of the world again, and no one dared to disobey him, it was time for his true identity to be made public.

This matter sounds very distant, and it must be very difficult to do, but Bi Hao has full confidence.

He believed he absolutely could.

Phoenix didn’t understand why, Bi Hao just showed a self-talking look after saying a few words, and then there was a little more fighting spirit on her face, but this was what she liked to hear, so she smiled and gently patted Bi Hao’s shoulder.

Bi Hao nodded to her.

Phoenix brought Bi Hao to the martial arts arena, where there were very few people in the martial arts arena, and most of the disciples of Mount Emei had been expelled by Bi Xiuzhen.

At present, Bi Xiu was really refining Jin Dan for Bi Hao in the alchemy room, and the phoenix wanted to take Bi Hao into the cultivation entrance because he was idle.

The people in the martial arts arena saw a great beauty in the world pulling their usually cold young lord leisurely, so they hurriedly gave up their position, their young lord did wrong, did many evils, and the reputation was known to everyone, and no one wanted to provoke this little lord today, and scattered away, although it was a little disappointing, but it was better than suffering themselves.

“They all look very scared of me.” Bi Hao said helplessly.

Feeling the fear in the eyes of those disciples before they left, Bi Hao had some feelings of wanting to laugh.

Clearly remember, Bi Xiuzhen had already proved it for Bi Hao, why did so many people still hate Bi Hao?

“It seems that your reputation is still not good on your mountain.” Phoenix smiled slightly but didn’t care about these things, after all, she knew all the things Bi Hao had done to Bi Hao, and she knew that they were all for Bi Hao’s good, so the fear of these disciples was dispensable in her opinion.

It’s just that Bi Hao feels uncomfortable in his heart.

Probably because he had walked there on earth before, and no one had ever done this to him.

“You don’t have to care too much about other people’s opinions, after all, you are the young lord of Mount Emei, and Mount Emei will also need to be inherited by you in the future, and then your reputation will naturally be slowly whitewashed, don’t put it in your heart.” The phoenix spoke out to comfort him.

“Well, I understand.” Bi Hao nodded.

The system was silent for a long time, but when he slept, the system gave him a very useful information, that is, the black cat he had previously accepted was collected by the system in the companion space.

Bi Hao did not specifically look at this space, only that this was a newly developed function of the system, and the space inside could be filled with living things, and the black cat was collected in the space.

Otherwise, Li Xiuyuan’s nature would definitely kill the black cat.

It is no wonder why he never found the black cat after that, it turned out to be taken in by the system, and now when he heard the system say that the black cat’s life was not bad, Bi Hao was also relieved.

For that black cat Bi Hao, he really wanted it to be his pet, so the attention was naturally higher.

The black cat saw that its nature was not bad, but it was just a bit of a tiger, not to mention that after persuasion, it also put away its claws, Bi Hao believed that as long as he slowly moved it in the future, it would definitely become his own well-behaved pet.

Thinking like this, Bi Hao couldn’t help but show a smile.

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