Phoenix saw a strange smile on his face and couldn’t help but wonder, “What are you thinking?” ”

Bi Hao turned back and said, “Oh, I took a pet before, and I was wondering how that pet is doing.” ”

“Pets? Didn’t you never bring a pet before? …… I’m sorry, I forgot you’re losing your memory now, sorry. Two embarrassed in a row, it seemed that Phoenix really minded mentioning the matter of his amnesia in front of Bi Hao.

But Bi Hao didn’t care, he smiled slightly and said, “It’s okay, you can just say it if you want to.” I’m not going to be angry, it’s a fact anyway, and there’s nothing to say. ”

Bi Hao grinned indifferently, and then continued, “Besides, I will rely on you to take me to cultivate in the future, but you are my teacher, how dare I be angry?” ”

Phoenix looked at him with tears in his eyes, “You actually joked about my God, do you know if you made a joke with you before, your iceberg face really needs to scare people to death.” ”

Bi Hao said with some helplessness, “It turns out that I was so terrible before.” ”

Phoenix nodded and said, “That’s natural, you don’t know that those little girls who liked you before didn’t dare to approach you, that Li Xiuyuan’s daughter actually dared to drug you, it scared me at the time, I knew that she would definitely end up very miserable, but I didn’t expect her fate to be so miserable, and what the demon beast did was so cautious to think about, sometimes I think you are a little fierce, but then I think about it, anyway, you are also an iceberg that does not understand human emotions, and your heart is fierce, which is completely meaningless to you.” ”

Phoenix spoke a long list in one breath, and it was clear from what she really thought in her heart.

Bi Hao smiled slightly and said, “Well, I don’t know how I thought before, but now, when I face this situation, I only have one thought, since she wants to give me medicine, I will definitely return it to her. Bi Hao’s face also had a bit of a vicious color.

Phoenix couldn’t help but smile and quickly said domineeringly, “Yes, that little lady actually dared to look at the old woman’s man and beat him to death every minute!” ”

Can’t see that such a noble and elegant woman as the phoenix will even explode rudely, Bi Hao was surprised, and then he laughed foolishly, and I have to say that the phoenix like this is a little more grounded, but it looks more cute.

“Don’t keep looking at me and make me so shy.” Seeing that Bi Hao had been looking at himself in a daze, Phoenix shook her head with some embarrassment.

“You don’t want my life to be so good-looking that you don’t want me to see it?” As soon as these words came out, Bi Hao himself was surprised, he would not pry his sister, but at the moment, he said these words of the sister so naturally as if he were a veteran of the flower field.

It turned out to be a ghost made by the system.

“Host, you have to thank me, just now you automatically took the sister potion, you see how cute this beautiful lady in front of you is now with a red face?”

Bi Hao’s face turned red, and he angrily shook back in his heart.

“Is it okay for you to make a high-cold system?” If you do this again, Lao Tzu will shut you down! ”

Girls want help from others! What a shame!

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