It seemed that some barrier in Bi Hao’s body had opened, and the aura between heaven and earth swarmed towards him, only to see that his cultivation had instantly elevated a level and reached the Golden Dan Realm.

The phoenix looked at Bi Hao’s swarming air waves in shock.

From the perspective of her cultivation vision, she naturally knew that Bi Hao was making a breakthrough, but just by comprehending a Dao, she actually broke through, and sure enough, she was a genius who had attracted the attention of the people, and this talent was beyond her reach.

Phoenix was shocked at first, then regained her composure, and looked at Bi Hao with satisfaction, after all, the better Bi Hao was, the greater the future arm help for her, which was her future husband.

Both of them are geniuses in every way, and they don’t know what kind of good breeds the offspring will be in the future.

Although it may sound inappropriate to use the word breed to describe their offspring, for Phoenix, talent is the only measure of her husband.

It sounds very cruel, but for her, who has always been arrogant, it is a very normal thing.

At the moment, Bi Hao watched with some confusion as a true Dan gradually condensed in his body.

The color of the Zhendan is very beautiful, the golden color is brilliant with a little dazzling purple, and the surface is very smooth.

“Is this my Jindan…” Bi Hao muttered to himself, at the beginning, when the Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon wanted him to take out his own True Dan to save the wind chime, he didn’t have a True Dan at all, so he didn’t know how to save the Wind Chime, but now that he actually had his own True Dan, how could this make him not excited.

At this moment, Bi Hao’s heart was full of excitement, so he didn’t notice at all why he could see this small change inside his body.

The cold mechanical sound of the system suddenly came with a hurried reminder:

“Host, the system is upgrading, please do not shut down -”

“If I upgrade one level, will you still upgrade so powerful?”

Bi Hao opened his mouth.

It was simply too much of a surprise.

I didn’t expect that after I upgraded, this system would also be upgraded with him.

That means that every time he upgrades the system in the future, he will follow the upgrade, and then the things that come out of the system will not only be weapons, there may be more things that are helpful to him, maybe there are some cultivation things, this system is simply a treasure chest.

He thought that after he had reached the stage of cultivation, he couldn’t help but laugh at the appearance of the left-handed immortal right-hand system.

Phoenix looked at Bi Hao’s face with a rippling smile, couldn’t help but frown, but now looking at Bi Hao seemed to be in the realm of epiphany, he couldn’t help but close his mouth, and now if he disturbed Bi Hao, in case Bi Hao would be confused, his qi and blood would flow wildly, and he would explode and die, it would be fun.

The system upgrade takes a long time, for an hour.

During this period, Bi Hao also took the opportunity to look inward at his own body and observe his body well.

When his body was on the earth, it had been tempered more than once, so there were not too many impurities in his body at the moment, but he saw a strange scene, and his body was covered with veins that emitted slight fluorescence.

And those meridians were flowing with a gas that seemed to have some light blue at the moment.

This should be what the system says, the so-called Reiki thing.

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