I really didn’t expect that I would actually be able to step into the ranks of cultivation.

Bi Hao is excited about what he thinks now! As a result, he bumped around in his body again, as if he wanted to see his body more thoroughly.

It wasn’t until a full hour had passed that the upgrade of the system was finally completed.

“The system upgrade is complete, and the host can move freely.”

The upgraded system became much lower than before, no longer the cold mechanical sound, but a very realistic human voice.

“You… Is it still the same system that accompanied me before? Bi Hao hesitated slightly.

After all, the current system sounds like a normal human being communicating with itself, and how can it not think of him in the aspect of the system.

Suddenly, the system laughed softly and said slowly, “Of course, I have always accompanied your system before, and now you can officially name me, you have become my real master.” ”

At this moment, it showed that he had another partner, and Bi Hao said with some excitement, “Then call you Bi Xi.” ”

I could hear the system very satisfied with the name, and the voice was a little happy, “Yes, my master, I will be called Bi Xi from now on.” ”

The previous system was also the current Bi Xi, and whispered, “That carry-on space has also been upgraded, and now you can choose to take the black cat out.” ”

Bi Hao remembered the black cat that he had placed in the space after extreme shock and joy, so he immediately smiled slightly and said, “Let the cat stay in it first, I will now follow the teacher to study well, and then release it later.” ”

“Okay.” The system answers.

Immediately Bi Hao’s mind fell silent.

But a faint contact hub in Bi Hao’s mind told him that as long as the system is not turned off, then Bi Hao’s connection with the system will always be there.

“The current system is really upgrading more and more awesome, and I don’t know what kind of situation it will become in the future.” Bi Hao thought of the way he would run amok with the system in the future, and he couldn’t help but draw a faint smile from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the phoenix also said softly, “Congratulations, you have already stepped into the Golden Dan Realm, you are indeed a real genius, even the Foundation Realm did not delay for too long, directly jumped into the Golden Dan.” ”

Bi Hao smiled slightly and said, “It’s not that the teacher taught me well, if it weren’t for your guidance to me, I wouldn’t have understood the true Tao so quickly.” ”

Hearing him mention the true Tao, Phoenix couldn’t help but ask in doubt, “I haven’t asked you yet, what is your Tao?” ”

“My way is the way of all beings.” Bi Hao recalled his Tao, smiled and said, “The Tao of all beings is my Tao, and the Tao of all beings is my way.” ”

“Your Tao is more powerful than the ordinary Tao.” Phoenix couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, the Dao of all beings means that all beings have the Tao for his use, so as long as it is the Dao, including her Killing Dao, then it can also be used by Bi Hao, such an ability is really against the heavens.

“Exactly.” Bi Hao nodded, the Sentient Beings Dao is much more powerful than that Shu Luo Dao.

Shura-do means just and fair, but there must be injustice and unfairness behind fairness, and the path of sentient beings includes both fairness and unfairness, and the path that includes everything is the most complete path.

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