“If that’s the case, then our father-son relationship is gone.” Bi Hao said very coldly.

Bi Xiuzhen’s forehead throbbed, “Contrarian, will you tell me again?” ”

“I said, everything I know now is forcibly instilled in me by you, I don’t want to recognize you as a father, then it is not my father, and now you either choose to lose my son or choose to let me go.” 」 Bi Hao said in a firm tone.

Phoenix furrowed her brows slightly, confessing that she didn’t like to see such a thing as a father and son discordant.

Phoenix spoke, trying to break this stiff atmosphere, “If Uncle Bi is not willing to let Bi Hao go out, it doesn’t matter, Feng Ling has me there to take care of her, and when she is rested, I will bring the wind chime to see Bi Hao.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen’s face eased slightly, but when he heard what Bi Hao said, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

“No, I’m going to go myself.” Bi Hao raised an eyebrow.

“What if you go out and can’t come back?” Bi Xiuzhen put his hand on his forehead and said helplessly.

“If you don’t let me out, I’ll disappear now.” Bi Hao said with a cold smile, “I don’t have any sense of affection or belonging to Mount Emei and you now, if you are so aggressive again, I guarantee that I will disappear the next day.” ”

“It’s okay to go out, I’ll accompany you.” Bi Xiuzhen finally made up his mind after all kinds of deliberations.

At present, Mount Emei is the autumn of many events, he wants to prepare for the disciple meeting, the disciples in Mount Emei are empty, if Li Xiuyuan brings someone to Mount Emei, he can hardly resist a face-to-face kung fu, but for the sake of his son, he still chooses to leave on his own.

This fatherly love cannot be said to be great, but at the moment, Bi Hao did not think so much.

The reason why Bi Hao made such a tough demand was because he felt that if he was soft today, then Bi Xiuzhen would have more and more requirements for his words and deeds in the future, which was not what he wanted.

What he wanted was a free life and a world of happiness and enmity, to be controlled, and that was not in His way.

Moreover, Bi Hao believes that he has the ability to protect himself.

At present, the system has been upgraded, Bi Hao has not yet had a comprehensive understanding of the system, but Bi Hao believes that the current system is definitely more powerful than before, and the functions it has are more abundant, and the system has a space jump function before, and this function will definitely be upgraded at present, so what kind of effect will be at that time, Bi Hao is also very much looking forward to.

But at the moment, Bi Xiuzhen, since he had already softened, he no longer demanded it, and since Bi Xiuzhen wanted to run to his side as a bodyguard, it was just right.

Phoenix did not expect that the Emei Mountain Lord, who had always said one thing and one thing, would actually run into a wall in front of his son, and his slightly surprised eyes at the moment looked at Bi Hao.

Although Bi Hao spoke very coldly in the past and his temperament was also very cold, there was one point, he would never confront Bi Xiuzhen’s words, and he would do what Bi Xiuzhen said, even if Bi Xiuzhen let him wave his hand to destroy the Emei Mountain full of doors, I believe Bi Hao would not blink an eye.

How should we evaluate Bi Hao at the moment? After the amnesia, he is more humane and more difficult to control.

This man, even harder to hold in the palm of his hand than before.

Was it too naïve for her to want to be in full control of the man’s thoughts?

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