Phoenix looked at Bi Hao’s handsome side face slightly, and at this time, Phoenix’s heartbeat was irrepressibly missed.

I have to deny that Bi Hao is quite handsome and talented, and such a perfect future husband is very in line with the concept of Phoenix.

But at the moment, Phoenix actually found that such a perfect husband, she did not seem to be able to fully grasp, then such a husband is going to be useful to her.

Seems to be of little use.

For Phoenix, who has a very strong desire for control, a person who cannot be used by her, or a person who cannot be completely controlled by her, cannot become a man under her pomegranate skirt, then in the end she cannot become a person she truly trusts.

But Phoenix asked herself again, if Bi Hao really let her get his hands on it so easily, she would still treat him wholeheartedly.

No, certainly not.

That easy, on the contrary, shows that Bi Hao is a person who is not worth her giving too much.

Now, what should be done to Bi Hao?

Too attentive, seems to have lost value, too high and cold seems to make Bi Haojing stay away, and the attitude between this is really a troublesome thing.

However, it is not difficult for her.

Phoenix furrowed her brows and said, “Uncle, you still sit on Mount Emei, Bi Hao has me by his side, it should be all right, although that Li Xiuyuan is cultivated to be a little taller than me, it is impossible to snatch Bi Hao from me.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen helplessly smiled bitterly and said, “Of course I am very relieved about you, but now that Li Xiuyuan has cultivated a kind of spatial divine power, even I can’t catch his tracks, this man is hidden very deeply, I don’t know if he still has a backhand, so I can’t put you two in danger, or I will follow you personally, now, for our Kuntong Mountain and Emei Mountain, the two most important seeds are here, if I don’t protect it well, I will become a sinner in the world.” ”

“Space magic, what does it mean?” Phoenix said incomprehensibly, “Isn’t Li Xiuyuan’s Tao about time?” ”

“Yes, so I don’t understand why he suddenly has the power of space.” Bi Xiuzhen said solemnly.

“What do you mean by this space magic and time magic power?” Bi Haotian listened to the clouds and began to ask.

Bi Xiuzhen was still very angry that his son bumped into himself, but he was relieved at the thought of his son’s amnesia, so he patiently explained to his son, “The so-called time magic is the Tao that Li Xiuyuan cultivates, that is, to control time, but he can only control the last point, that is, the time that can change the opponent in the battle.” ”

“Changing the opponent’s time in a match, isn’t that against the sky?” Bi Hao sounded very surprised.

This time Dao is simply more anti-heavenly than his sentient beings Dao, and if he can change his opponent’s time, it is not just a casual way to disintegrate his opponent.

“If that’s the case, then the so-called first in the world should be him.” Bi Xiu looked at his son funny and said.

“All he can change is a matter of a few seconds, he can only say that in those few seconds of chaotic space nodes to find the opponent’s mistakes, so as to achieve the goal of defeating the opponent, but my strength has always been stronger than his, so he has no way to pause my time.” 」

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