“That’s the way it is, but this ability should already be very anti-heavenly.” Bi Hao nodded and said.

“But this old man who is not ashamed, has not been cultivating the Tao of Time?” How did he possess the magic power of this spatial path? Bi Xiuzhen murmured very incomprehensibly.

Bi Hao thought about it for a moment, and then he smiled and said, “In fact, this is easy to explain, time and space, in fact, in simple terms, should include time and space and space, time and space should be united, maybe he just fused the space path on the basis of the time Dao, just to make his time path more complete, so I think his current Dao should be called the time and space Dao.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen felt that what his son said was very reasonable, and then he glanced at Bi Hao slightly, and a slightly surprised expression appeared on his face.

Phoenix was quite interesting to watch from the sidelines, she knew that Bi Xiu was really shocked and wondering, why Bi Hao had the cultivation of Jin Dan Period in a day without seeing him.

“By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, but what kind of Dao are you cultivating in your body now?” Bi Xiuzhen then remembered to care about his son’s cultivation.

“The Way of All Beings, Father, have you heard of this Path?” Bi Hao’s eyes looked at Bi Xiuzhen, and his eyes were black on this Dao.

Because he was not a person of this world in the first place, even if there was a celestial wizard like the phoenix who explained it to him in the front, he still had to explore these things himself.

After all, the Tao is not a conspiracy, and the Phoenix’s Killing Dao is different from his sentient beings’ Dao.

“The Tao of All Beings, are you actually the Way of All Beings?” Bi Xiuzhen was stunned at first, and then his face showed a color of ecstasy, “Is it really the legendary sentient beings Dao?” ”

“Uncle, do you know the way of this sentient being?” The phoenix on the side was slightly stunned, she thought that she had seen a lot of knowledge and read a lot of books, but the way of sentient beings was unheard of, and when she heard Bi Xiuzhen know, she couldn’t help but be very curious.

“The Tao of these beings is not uncommon to say.” Bi Xiuzhen smiled and said, “All sentient beings, all things in the world, all kinds of things can have a path, and this sentient path, that is, all the paths are condensed together to become the path of all sentient beings.” ”

“What happens in the end?” Phoenix was even more anxious than Bi Hao, and he was busy asking.

“What happens in the end? In the end, it will probably become the Heavenly Path. Bi Xiuzhen glanced at his son who was listening to the clouds today, revealing a worried expression, “Son, I didn’t expect that you were actually cultivating the path of sentient beings, your road ahead is very bumpy, and what your father can help you can only do his best to protect you.” ”

“Father, what do you mean by that?” Bi Hao listened even more puzzled.

Fang Cai Bi Xiu really said something similar to the Heavenly Dao, and he was shocked to hear that it was difficult for him to become a void thing like the Heavenly Dao after he cultivated?

As a result, Bi Xiuzhen said, “The Heavenly Dao will not allow anything that can threaten it to exist, and the fact that you have not been erased by the Dao of Sentient Beings is because you are too weak, and when you threaten the Heavenly Dao enough, then the Heavenly Dao will mercilessly kill you, and you will usher in a heavenly calamity.” ”

“… Heaven forbid… Hasn’t it been on our continent for hundreds of thousands of years? The phoenix spoke in panic, “That is a mortal disaster.” ”

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