Bi Hao shook his head and said with a bitter smile, “I can’t help it, isn’t it that you preconceived that I am Bi Hao, and I also asked you to say that I am not Bi Hao, what will you do?” As a result, your answer made me a little disappointed. ”

The phoenix blushed, and immediately said embarrassedly, “I know that you are really not Bi Hao, the ghost knows that there will be another person in this world who looks exactly like Bi Hao, but…”

Phoenix looked at Bi Hao with a slight tone, biting her finger and saying shyly, “I didn’t expect that your talent was even better than Bi Hao, I don’t know why I seem to be in love with you.” ”

Bi Hao was slightly stunned, and the goddess in front of him actually courted him so fiercely and boldly, which made Bi Hao somewhat accept that he could not smile awkwardly and said, “If you teach me to cultivate again, I think we can practice again.” ”

Phoenix knew that Bi Hao didn’t seem to have the heart to talk to her about love, so she nodded and said, “Well, then I’ll teach you a new one, anyway, Uncle Bi didn’t kick you out at the moment, so you should live here first, and it is estimated that watching your Uncle Bi also remember you as his son.” ”

As a result, Phoenix began to explain to Bi Hao, “Since you have already understood the Tao of our cultivation, then now should be the first step to enter the foundation building realm, but because you are already in the Jiedan period, so we directly cross the foundation building and only this step to directly talk to you about the Jiedan period.” ”

“The Dan period is that a small True Dan will be formed in your body, this True Dan will all of us have, but not necessarily, when you cultivate to the first realm of the Yuan Baby, this Golden Dan will turn into a Yuan Baby, and then the Yuan Baby will contain a small world, which can store things and the like, for example, my current Yuan Baby is already a small space of nearly ten square meters, the Yuan Baby, this thing is very important, even more important than the flesh, if your flesh is destroyed, then you can still take it. It is enough to protect your Yuan Baby, but your Yuan Baby is destroyed, and your flesh is of no use to you, so cultivators must protect their Yuan Baby. ”

“Oh, I see.” Bi Hao nodded and said.

“Well, far away, let’s talk about the Jiedan period now, Jiedan is to form a true Dan in your body, this true Dan can be used as your magic weapon against the enemy, but when I was born, it seems that I was already distracted, so I have never had this step of Jiedan, I am also hearsay, there is something wrong, you still understand it yourself.”

Phoenix’s words were somewhat irresponsible, but Bi Hao knew that what she said was sincere, after all, who let the family be a genius, the genius always walked faster than others, and it was normal not to tell him.

So Bi Hao smiled and nodded, “Okay, then I’ll try.” ”

According to what the phoenix said, the True Dan of the Jiedan Period can be used to resist the enemy, so Bi Hao, the first thing to do is to understand this True Dan in his body, but to understand his own True Dan, how to do this, Bi Hao does not know.

At this time, Phoenix gave him a suggestion and said, “You can think about the inner vision. ”

Is this the feeling of inner vision, which is what he felt when he broke through and understood the path of sentient beings?

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