So he remembered his own sentient path, and as a result, he found that his gaze sank slightly, and he entered his body and saw the slowly rotating True Dan in his body.

Bi Hao looked at the slowly rotating golden radiance, with a little purple Zhendan, and sighed heartily, “It’s beautiful.” ”

This True Dan, but he has worked so hard to condense, how can he not say that it is beautiful? It’s like looking at your own child, full of love.

Phoenix’s voice sounded outside, “Now you try to inject some True Qi into it, and see if you can stimulate this Golden Dan.” ”

Bi Hao nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll try.” ”

So he urged his own True Qi, which Bi Hao didn’t know how to use before, but with the appearance of this True Dan, these True Qi seemed to have become a part of his body, and he could use it at will.

Bi Hao sighed a little, the cultivation system in this world is really too magical, but at the moment he doesn’t have much effort to sigh, so he nodded his head and said, “The cultivation system of your world is really magical, I didn’t expect that you could even use such a thing as True Qi.” ”

Phoenix heard this and said somewhat amusedly, “Then what is the cultivation of your world?” ”

“Our world doesn’t cultivate True Qi.” Bi Haowei smiled and said, “It’s just one thing for cultivation.” ”

“What?” Phoenix was stunned.

“Well, keep this matter a secret.” Recalling the bloody storm on the earth, Bi Hao smiled slightly, and his heart was a little tired.

Although the world in front of him was more cruel, more cold and cold-blooded, he suddenly felt that it was actually quite good, that is, it was a pity that his confidant on the earth was very much missed.

Phoenix skimmed her lips and said, “So Xuan Xuan, you are such a nasty person, you know how to hang my appetite.” ”

Bi Hao laughed dumbly, “If I wanted to hang your appetite, I would have already hung my appetite, and I would have waited until now, but there are some things that you don’t know very conveniently.” ”

“I’m your wife in the future, what’s not to know?” Phoenix white he glanced at him, that glance is full of charm, glimpse can make people refreshed.

This was a real special thing, a natural goddess, who actually threw a wink in front of him, how could Bi Hao not be excited.

He covered his nose with his hands and said with some embarrassment, “You always throw a wink at me, I can’t stand it.” ”

“If you can’t stand it, I will be your wife in the future, and no one is allowed to rob me.” Phoenix said possessively.

“I’m not really Bi Hao, why are you marrying me?” Bi Hao said slightly puzzled.

“I only marry the strong, and since the former Bi Hao is dead, then I want to see you now, not to mention that you are stronger than the previous one, more talented, and more accessible.” Phoenix smiled bitterly.

Seeing the bitter smile on the goddess’s face, Bi Hao was a little puzzled, “Why did you have this expression because…”

Phoenix shook her head and said, “Before you… No, the previous Bi Hao was too difficult to approach, too indifferent, so that I did not know how to get along with him. ”

“What do you think of me now?” Bi Hao thought about it and shut his mouth again.

He will definitely return to the earth in the future, and it is not good to develop too many feelings in this world…

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