So. These emotional things are still natural, and even Bi Hao has the idea of secretly killing them.

This feeling is not for him.

“By the way, now that I’ve made my identity clear, can I go and see the wind chimes?” Bi Hao was obviously more concerned about the wind chimes now, and it was impossible for that Heavenly Dao to be stifled anyway, and he would be safe if he came.

Phoenix was slightly stunned, and then a bitter smile appeared on her face and said, “You really have wind chimes in your heart and mind, don’t I have any attraction in front of you?” ”

How can it not be attractive, the phoenix is better looking than the wind chime, the figure is better, and the temperament is more attractive, but the phoenix and he are people from two worlds after all, the wind chime is just Bi Hao’s friend, Bi Hao does not have any idea of Bi Hao.

Bi Hao said with a bitter smile, “How do you let me explain it to you?” I don’t have that idea about wind chimes, I just want to be friends with you, at least I don’t know what will happen later, but now I hope we are just friends. ”

“Do I deserve only to be your friend in your eyes?” Can’t I do something beyond friendship? Phoenix asked unrelentingly, “Do you know that I have been waiting for you for many years?” ”

Bi Hao’s eyes shrank slightly, and he saw the look in the eyes of another person in the eyes of the wind chime, so he frowned slightly and said, “I’m sorry, this is not what I want to manage, that’s your business.” ”

“You’re so ruthless?” Phoenix asked heartbrokenly.

“There is no me in your heart, your heart is only the previous Bi Hao, although no matter how you wipe him off with your mouth, but you are thinking about him, in your eyes I see that you are missing another person, you are nostalgic for another person through me, if you really like me, you should forget that person, instead of borrowing my face in front of me to miss another person, you will make me feel that I am a fake product, sorry, I think we may only be ordinary friends.” 」 Bi Hao’s tone gradually cooled down.

He didn’t like the feeling of being used as a souvenir by others, nor did he like to be taken by others to miss another person, he was himself, although he had been suspected of imposters before, but now that he had justified himself, then these people should no longer come to see him with the colored glasses that he was the original owner.

Phoenix was slightly stunned, and then smiled bitterly, “Did you think I was missing him through you?” I admit that I do have such thoughts, because I can never forget him, after all, he is a friend who has accompanied me for so many years, he is not a sage, who can be ruthless, you make me really want to completely forget him, sorry I can’t do it, but I think my heart should be on you, because now you are more in line with my appetite. ”

What if the girl who chases you is too enthusiastic? Bi Hao thought helplessly.

“I’m sorry, I think you misunderstood, I don’t mean anything to you, we just have to be friends, you can only talk about other things later, now we can only be friends, and I can’t guarantee that I will not return to my world in the future, and if we have feelings and I can’t take you there, we may be separated forever, is this the result, are you willing?” 」

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