This is not Bi Hao’s alarmism, this is the result of countless times he has thought, he did not think about the development of some confidants in this world, but he gave up when he thought of it, because this world is too unknown to Bi Hao.

Now that the Heavenly Dao had appeared, but Bi Hao felt that the Heavenly Dao was just a spokesman, the real master behind this world must have someone else, that master was very strong, and even Bi Hao did not dare to confront the director with the system, so he also dared to threaten him casually in front of the Heavenly Dao, because for a messenger who was just a messenger who looked at the gate, anyone could do it, and even Bi Hao believed that the master behind the Heavenly Dao, if he wanted to, Bi Xiuzhen could use it as the Heavenly Dao.

But these are just conjectures, and Bi Hao will not be stupid to tell the truth of this matter.

Phoenix obviously didn’t think about it that much, and she opened her mouth and said with some surprise, “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to return to that world, isn’t our world bad?” You have to go back to your world, why? Our world is so beautiful, and you have said that our world cultivation system is very attractive to you, why do you want to return to your world? “”

“In our world there is a saying called falling leaves to the roots, I am a person of that world after all, every trace of blood flowing all over my body belongs to that world, not to mention that I am also the ruler of that world, so I must return to that world, and that world cannot do without me, although there was no such thing before.” 」

“But now that world, because I’m going to be very powerful, if I don’t go back to my hometown it will fall, do you think that’s possible?” My hometown is a place I must guard, sorry, so I can’t stay in this world for too long, after I understand the world power system thoroughly, and then communicate with the Heavenly Dao, I should leave. Bi Hao said his plan.

Phoenix was shocked to hear it, she didn’t expect Bi Hao to be such a majestic and strategic person, and instantly admired Bi Hao even more,——I really didn’t expect you to be so good, you said that you are really too good, I really want to be with you more and more, what to do?” ”

Bi Hao smiled bitterly.

What kind of situation was this, his explanation made her want to be with herself even more, but he really couldn’t guarantee that he would not be moved.

After all, the phoenix is such an excellent woman, if he really has a heart, he left this plane, after going to the next plane, will not be separated from the phoenix, this is the result he does not want to see, so still restrain his feelings, take advantage of the two people’s feelings are not very strong, otherwise not only sorry for the red face confidant on the earth, but also sorry for Bi Hao’s own heart

Phoenix was very puzzled, opening her mouth to look at Bi Hao’s face of anger, “Do you look down on me and think I don’t deserve you, I tell you, I am one of the most talented people in this world, I don’t deserve you, others are even less worthy of you, are you thinking of the woman with the wind chime in your heart?” ”

This woman is really horrible to eat vinegar.

Bi Hao said with a bitter smile, “I didn’t say you weren’t worthy of me, and I didn’t think about the wind chime…”

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