“Wind chimes are just ordinary friends when they are with me, how many times have I told you, she is just my ordinary friends, do you believe that I can do it?” And I don’t look at people with talent, as long as the heart is moving, then I think we are possible, but I don’t have a heart for you now, so I don’t think I have the possibility, so to say, do you understand? It’s not that you’re not good enough, it’s that you’re too good, but for me you didn’t make me move, so it didn’t work for me. ”

Phoenix lowered her head in frustration, “It turns out that you didn’t have any heart at all, am I really so bad that you feel sick?” ”

How to explain more and more black, Bi Hao did not know how to say, he thought about the wording, “You are not not good enough, not not beautiful enough, not not beautiful enough, you are very good, very good-looking, very beautiful, very perfect, but for me, you are not the person I want, at least so far, I have not had a heart for you, when I see you, I am just amazing, and there are no other ideas, so do you understand?” You can’t move me. ”

Phoenix asked unrelentingly, “What about wind chimes?” Do you have a crush on wind chimes? ”

Bi Hao thought for a moment and said, “No, for the wind chime, I am just an ordinary friend, after all, the wind chime is still far worse than you, but a temperament trait in her is very attractive, and I am willing to be friends with her.”

Phoenix thought for a moment, “Isn’t mine attractive enough?” ”

Bi Hao said with a bitter smile, “Your temper, your temper is arrogant, right?” But your arrogance is also quite seductive, and this kind of pride like a little princess is very tempting. ”

“I look at your expression, I feel that you don’t like my arrogance, then I can change, for you I am willing to let go of all my pride.” 」 Phoenix said sincerely.

For Phoenix, such a thing as arrogance is just an emotion for those who are not as good as her, and in the face of someone stronger than her, Phoenix is willing to go crazy for him, and is more willing to kneel and lick.

As for such a thing as arrogance, it had long been thrown out of the Nine Clouds by the Phoenix, not to mention that Bi Hao in front of her was what she had identified and wanted to follow, how could she treat Bi Hao with pride.

Before there was some small pride to treat Bi Hao, because Bi Hao was too weak, but now after Bi Hao showed his strength, Phoenix’s thoughts changed, and he would no longer be arrogant.

Bi Hao did not expect that Phoenix was so crazy in the face of love, which made him a little unbearable, he said with a bitter smile, “You have embarrassed me like this, I think we should still be ordinary friends between us, at least for now I have no heart for you.” ”

Phoenix bowed her head in frustration and said, “You didn’t even have any heart for me, so what should I do?” But I want you to be my husband. ”

Being too popular is also a sin, Bi Hao thought helplessly, he smiled slightly and said, “It’s okay, as long as you work hard, maybe I can also move my heart in the future, right?” Although it was very tasteless to say such a thing, Bi Hao felt that this was the best way to solve the embarrassment in front of him at the moment.

Phoenix shook her head and said, “I don’t think if I can’t make you feel good, you won’t like me in the future, so…”

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