Then, no matter how Bi Hao called it, there was no way to echo it, Bi Hao helplessly gave up, this system really has a temper

The system has a temper, but Bi Hao has no temper, looking at the phoenix in front of him who is puzzled, Bi Hao helplessly smiled, “I just had a sudden cramp in my head, so I said a few words to myself, you don’t pay attention to it.” ”

“Sure enough, it is my man, even the cramps are so windy and cool, well, the old woman has determined that you are my man, I want to love you to death.” 」 As a result, the phoenix seemed to be unsurprisingly dead, and suddenly jumped out of such a sentence, almost frightening Bi Hao to a toe.

“Sister, let me go, I’m really not interested in you, don’t you want to do this?” Bi Hao said very helplessly.

“You’re not interested in me, but the old lady is interested in you.” Phoenix rubbed her chin and smiled hesitantly, “I’m interested in you deeply, anyway, I will be your wife in the future, if you dare to go out and get into trouble, you see I won’t kill you.” ”

Although the mouth is fierce, but the phoenix also knows that such an excellent man as Bi Hao is impossible without a woman upside down, and those women are not sure that there will be better looking than her, so even if the phoenix can control herself, she can’t control Bi Hao, so she can only let it go, but the warning on the mouth still has to be there, after all, she now feels that she is Bi Hao’s big wife.

Bi Hao felt that he was very innocent, and for no reason suddenly had another wife, and this wife was still so fierce and strict with herself, it was really sweet pain.

“By the way, when are you going to take me to see the wind chimes, I want to see if she is my friend after all, and her Zhendan is injured, and I want to see if her body is recovering?”

Phoenix had a strange smile on her face, “Whether you want to see her Zhendan or the person who wants to see him, you tell me.” ”

Bi Hao said awkwardly, “I’m just a friend to her, you don’t think too much, and I advise you not to care so much, now the two of us are just ordinary friends, who do I have a relationship with, then you can’t control you know?” ”

Phoenix stomped her feet a little helplessly, “Aren’t people thinking about you?” You are like this… Really a stinky man who doesn’t understand the style! ”

“Since I don’t understand the style, then you don’t look at me, so why are you pestering me, do you think I like to be pestered by women?” 」 Bi Hao did not want to show weakness and went back.

Phoenix was dumbfounded by this sentence, and immediately smiled and said, “It is worthy of the man that Lao Tzu likes, that is, he has a surname.” ”

Bi Hao did not expect that he was so fierce to her, she could accept it calmly, it seems that this woman really has a trembling physique.

“What the hell do you want to do?” Bi Hao shook his head somewhat helplessly and said, “Won’t you take me to see the wind chimes quickly?” I want to see wind chimes now. ”

He really didn’t want to continue talking with this woman, anyway, this woman wanted to be with him, it was really a sweet annoyance, being chased by a girl like this for other men may have been unable to bear it for a long time, but he can’t do it, he still has to return to another world, and what to do if he fails her.

Although Bi Hao did not skimp on his feelings, Bi Hao was unwilling to have such feelings that had never borne fruit.

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