What’s more, not only will the phoenix be sad, but Bi Hao will also suffer from lovesickness when he returns to another world

“Okay, then I’ll take you to see the wind chimes, and I’ll go talk to Uncle Bi first.” The phoenix glanced at Bi Hao with great style, twisted his small waist and twisted away.

Bi Hao sighed, now that Bi Xiuzhen knew that he was not his own son, then he should not care so much about his life and death.

Although it sounds very cold and heartless, it is the best result for Bi Hao, he does not like to be ruled by others, and now that his identity is exposed, it is good that he has more freedom at this time.

He was thinking like this, but the phoenix walked back with a distressed face, and she was followed by Bi Xiuzhen.

Bi Hao narrowed his eyes, not knowing what this in front of him meant.

Is it true that Bi Xiuzhen still doesn’t want him to leave?

“Uncle Bi, what do you mean by that?” Looking at Bi Xiuzhen, who was not good in front of him, Bi Hao had a vague guess in his heart, but he did not want to wear it, but let Bi Xiuzhen speak for himself.

Sure enough, Bi Xiuzhen looked at him and suddenly revealed a smile and said softly, “You can’t leave Mount Emei, it’s too dangerous for you outside, I want to protect you.” ”

Bi Hao’s heart warmed slightly, and then he woke up again, Bi Xiuzhen knew that he was not his own son, and he would be so good to him, that must be to let him be the shadow of his own son, which was absolutely intolerable to him, so Bi Hao just said with a cold face, “Uncle Bi, if you want to take me as Bi Hao’s shadow, then forget it, I will not become a substitute for anyone, the reason why I wanted to come to Mount Emei to test it before, is just to see the cultivation system of this world.” Please don’t misunderstand me, I don’t think about your son, no, I don’t have any thoughts about being your son. ”

Bi Xiuzhen’s face was a little ugly, he didn’t expect Bi Hao to really be like this, he rejected him magnificently, he immediately said with a bitter smile, “But you also understand the mood of an old father who has lost his son, my son is dead, but now seeing you, you are like my other son, you are exactly the same as him, including the eyes are the same, but the two people have different personalities, how I hope you are my son, I even hope that my wife was born to twins, you are my other son.” … This look, I can still have a sustenance, can I not go, child…”

This was too much, it made people cry, and it was also very sincere, Bi Hao couldn’t bear to hear it, and almost agreed to it, but then he looked cold again and asked, “If I agree to stay now, will you give me everything you wanted to teach me before, including the training device.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen’s face showed a hint of embarrassment, before he didn’t know that Bi Hao was not his own son, and naturally there was no distinction between his own sons, of course, he could teach.

But at the moment, I didn’t expect that Bi Hao was actually a person from another world, so if this training instrument thing was to be taught to Bi Hao, it must have been deliberated, and seeing the hesitation on his face, Bi Hao revealed a bitter smile, “In fact, what you said on your mouth is so good, and you didn’t really regard me as your son in your heart…”

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