Although it is very cruel, but this thing is very attractive to Bi Hao, Bi Hao hopes that he can reach the peak, but at the moment let him be used as a son to imposter someone else, and be used as a substitute, which is an absolutely impossible thing for Bi Hao to accept.

Bi Xiuzhen sighed and said, “I only hope that you can stay by my side, I didn’t say that you must recognize me as a father, after all, I also know that you are two completely different people, just look alike, there is a big difference in thinking, I just want to watch my son stay by my side every day, as an old father, is my idea wrong?” ”

Bi Hao sighed and said, “Your idea is not wrong, but it is absolutely impossible for me to accept, I will never be a substitute for anyone, and you are wary of me, so from this point alone I can’t stay here.” ”

“Are you saying that you think I’m doubting you because I didn’t teach you my wife’s practice method?” Bi Xiuzhen suddenly came without a head.

Bi Hao nodded, “Yes, that’s right. ”

Bi Xiuzhen sighed helplessly and said, “Since you and my son are taking completely different paths, then I don’t know if the physiques of the two of you, including understanding, are the same, I was able to be sure that you are suitable for practicing qi before, but now your body is not necessarily the same as my son, if I take the liberty of teaching you the refining method, then, if you have an accident, I will not lose my second son?” I hope you can understand my feelings as an old father. After saying this, Bi Xiuzhen looked at Bi Hao deadly, hoping that Bi Hao could understand him.

Bi Hao sighed and said, “Since you said so, then I will tell you, my physique and your son’s physique are absolutely identical, but the understanding is definitely not the same, of course, if you don’t believe it, you can go to the test, I believe that you should have something to test up and down Mount Emei.” ”

Listening to Bi Xiu’s truth, there was a turning point in it, and it seemed that he did not need him as a substitute, and Bi Hao was also relieved.

If you don’t want to let him be a substitute, but if you just stay in Mount Emei in a normal capacity, it is still acceptable, and Bi Hao’s proposal made Bi Xiuzhen very agree, he nodded and said, “Well, then you come with me, I will take you to check your body.” ”

There are really a lot of places in Mount Emei to test physique, Bi Xiuzhen took Bi Hao and Phoenix two people to turn left and right, and finally arrived at a study, this study is very magnificent and atmospheric, there are many instruments hidden inside, Bi Hao looked at these strange instruments, some doubts, these things are made of fine jade, it looks very exquisite atmosphere, and the surface is still flowing with brilliant light.

“You see this, this is the instrument that detects your spiritual roots.” Bi Xiuzhen casually picked up a needle-like thing and looked at Bi Hao, smiling slightly, “As long as you insert this needle into your forehead, you can detect how many kinds of spiritual roots and how many colors you have in your body.” ”

I see.

Bi Hao nodded, “Then let’s try this first.” ”

Although the forehead is a very deadly place for others, it is insignificant to Bi Hao!

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