Therefore, Bi Hao was also very relieved to let him use this needle to insert into his forehead, Bi Xiuzhen nodded, he did not expect Bi Hao to trust Bi Xiuzhen so much, and could not help but feel ashamed of his previous behavior of not fully revealing Bi Hao.

Bi Hao didn’t bother to care about his mental journey, but just nodded his head and signaled him to insert the needle into the center of his brow in the middle of his forehead.

This action was extremely dangerous in Phoenix’s view, if Bi Xiuzhen had any bad thoughts about Bi Hao, then Bi Hao might be cold here on the spot, but Bi Hao was calm and calm, and she couldn’t help but admire the man in front of her even more.

The needle was slowly inserted into Bi Hao’s eyebrow, only to hear a slight sound of piercing the flesh, and immediately, Bi Hao felt a trace of pain in his eyebrow, but with a cool feeling, and then he felt that the true qi in his whole body seemed to be mobilized and poured into the eyebrow, and in the eyes of Bi Xiuzhen and Phoenix, they saw that the needle that was originally white suddenly turned into a colorful light, a colorful look, very good-looking.

“What’s going on here? Didn’t he only have two kinds of spiritual roots? How did he suddenly become the All-Soul Root, this is a pervert! Phoenix couldn’t help but cry softly.

All-Spirit Root, but few people will appear in the historical records!

Bi Xiuzhen’s solemn face put the needle back, Bi Hao opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, a little puzzled, “What is the whole spirit root, which means that as long as you cultivate what attributes, then what attribute of the spirit root, you can have, I suspected before that you can’t practice the instrument, sorry, now I have changed, not only can you practice the instrument, you can also refine the Dan, you are a person with a very terrible talent, if my son has your talent, I think he will not die so miserable now.” Bi Xiuzhen looked a little dim and said, he didn’t expect that Bi Hao in front of him was so talented, it was actually the All-Spirit Root, the All-Spirit Root was a genius without a thousand miles, and the appearance of such a guy as the All-Spirit Root was too terrible.

The system that had just shut down suddenly turned on and said, “The host is actually the All-Soul Root.” ”

His voice was very lazy, it sounded like a human had just woken up, and Bi Hao couldn’t help but roll his eyes and say, “Is there any special meaning to me as the All-Soul Root?” ”

The tone of the system said with a little more admiration, “All-Spirit Root, this is the pronoun for genius, in this world there is a circle of Spirit Root, which means that the host can go to the peak.” ”

Bi Hao’s white eyes rolled more obviously, “With such a thing to be able to walk to the peak of life, then the cultivation system of this world is too unworthy of my nostalgia, so I should go back to the earth.” ”

“The diligent cultivation of the host on the earth is on the one hand, the talent is on the other hand, and the talent possessed can have the key to a higher level.” The system said very seriously.

Bi Hao said dismissively, “Even if I don’t have talent, I can still move forward with my efforts, and when there is no system at the beginning, won’t I still be able to survive?” ”

The system suddenly let out a soft sneer and said, “Is that what you think the host thinks you can go to the peak of life without me?” Not at all. ”

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