“I guess that person must also have a system of the same level as me.”

As a result, hearing this sentence, Bi Hao was not calm, “You mean that there are many people who have a system like yours?” ”

He originally thought that his system was unique, but he did not expect that there were people who also had a system like his, which was how tolerable for Bi Hao, and the result was that the system immediately laughed, “Systems like mine, of course, many, we are manufactured by the master, and then distributed to the world to complete various tasks, but the strength of this system depends on the host, so I hope that the host has been getting stronger, if the host is strong enough to dominate the entire universe, Then maybe he will be able to pull my master off the horse and give me a free body. ”

“It means that the stronger I am the stronger you will be, and if I am strong enough to dominate the entire universe, then how powerful will you become?” Bi Hao asked cautiously.

“Well, I don’t know about it at the moment, but I guess it can make me human.” The system says.

Bi Hao was even more curious about the master in the mouth of the system, “Who is your master, what is his identity, is he very powerful?” Do you think I can beat him now? ”

The system just sneered and said, “The host should not be delusional, my master is really too powerful, after you dominate the entire universe, there may be a chance to fight with him, but in front of him it is certain that it will lose.” ”

“You’re saying this too firmly.” Bi Hao smiled coldly, he was very confident in his own strength, he couldn’t believe that he was so vulnerable.

What’s more, when he was going to dominate the entire universe, he couldn’t even win the so-called master, so he was too wasted.

As a result, the system sighed softly and said, “My master’s strength is unimaginable to you, so until now, although I have always called you host, that man has always been my master.” ”

“Since you don’t want to say it, I don’t want to force it, but I hope to have a chance to communicate with your master in the future.” Bi Hao said with a sneer.

“At the moment, you can think about how to dominate this world, this world is already occupied, what we have to do is to defeat that Heavenly Dao, and then catch the person behind him, maybe the system in his hand can be assimilated by me.” 」 As a result, the system said something else.

“Can you still swallow each other?” Bi Hao felt very strange, a little like how Resident Evil felt broken.

“None of our systems can be friends, they can only become props that eat each other, because I will be strong when I eat him, and he will become very strong when he eats me, so we have always been on various paths of fighting each other, and my last host was eaten by others, but at that time I escaped, so I was not assimilated.” 」

At this thought, Bi Hao’s heart suddenly jumped slightly, “According to what you said, then the master behind that Heavenly Dao should also want to do something to me, so why am I not dead now?” Can’t he look down on me? ”

“How can I not look down on you, I am the most powerful system made by the master…”

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