“The reason why he didn’t do anything to you is because he didn’t know that you were already in this world, and I guess his so-called master should be wandering around the outside now, trying to take over the other planes, so that Heavenly Dao didn’t know if it was too late, or if he didn’t deliberately tell the so-called master, but you should be safe, so don’t worry too much.”

“That’s fine, according to our current strength, it seems that we can’t win at all, and we are still in the overworld of others, so it is even more difficult to fight.” Bi Hao said with a palpitation.

“If you think so, it will be a big loss, we have more room for development in the Overworld, and if you think that the so-called master of this world is not there, then we can knock on the side and defeat the Heavenly Dao, bring the authority of this world over, and then set an ambush on that master, will we be able to get this world and assimilate a system.” The system is worthy of being a system, and it is leveraged to give advice.

“So you mean that I have to work hard to level up now so that I can defeat that Heavenly Dao as soon as possible?” Bi Hao frowned, “But at the moment, my strength is still too far away compared to the Heavenly Dao, and it will take a long time to defeat him.” ”

“So you’d better cultivate well on Mount Emei now, don’t think about running around, that wind chime believes that it’s fine, you don’t have to worry too much about her.” The system says so.

The system has said so, Bi Hao will naturally come according to his arrangement, after all, at the moment he and the system are grasshoppers on a rope, if the system is discovered, he will certainly not be able to live, so he can live better by listening to the system’s arrangements, not to mention that he is very curious about the owner in the mouth of the system, a master who has created so many powerful systems, but also let these systems kill each other, and really can’t understand how to think of this person, it must be very scary, very weird, very terrible, very terrible, I don’t know if I can defeat him in the future, but Bi Hao has made that man the goal of his future struggle in his heart.

At this time, the system has also become more serious than ever.

“Host, it is impossible to defeat my master according to your current ideas.”

Although he knew that the system could read his thoughts, it still made Bi Hao feel very embarrassed to say it so directly.

Lao Tzu is weak now does not mean that Lao Tzu has been weak since then, ah, you are now fighting Lao Tzu will not feel that conscience can not go away?

The result is obvious, the system does not have such intuition, nor does it have such a reaction ability, he just said very stiffly, “Host, pay attention to the words, said that you can’t win is not winning, the analysis of your data, no matter how many years you grow you can’t win.” ”

Such words were dumbfounded, simply straightforward.

So Bi Hao hung his head and said very embarrassedly, “Then what do you think I should do now?” ”

“You should cultivate hard now, cultivate your All-Soul Root to the pinnacle of perfection, and your sentient beings Dao should be able to fight with my master, but you will definitely be killed by him.” The system said mercilessly.

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