Bi Hao was slightly shocked to see that the hairs on the little monkey’s body were falling off one by one at this time, and her limbs began to become very slender, developing towards humans.

Originally, the face of the little female monkey was quite beautiful, and at this time, the fluff on her face was also falling off one by one, gradually becoming the appearance of a human girl.

At this time, Bi Hao’s face that saw her human girl’s appearance couldn’t help but breathe a little bit was really beautiful.

The little female monkey looked very green and beautiful when she was a female monkey, but now that she has become a human girl, that appearance is even more pitiful, blowing and puncturing skin, with a small face, like a moist peach, which makes people covet, and the big eyes of the crescent moon are also tightly closed, and the eyelashes are gently trembling, like a frightened deer.

Although this appearance does not have the domineering side leakage of the phoenix, but there is a flexible nature between the forest and the countryside, compared with the phoenix two people, who is better than the other he can’t say, but both are pleasing big beauties, but I don’t know how this little female monkey can suddenly become a human girl.

At this time, the elder of the monkey clan looked at the little female monkey trembling and said, “Why? Why is this happening to you? Why did the prophecies of the monkey tribe happen to my granddaughter for thousands of years? Oh my goodness! Little granddaughter, are you okay? ”

He went to push the little female monkey, who seemed to be in great pain at this time, lying on the ground, like a dead body, motionless.

Bi Hao’s slight sadness pulled the Monkey Clan Elder and said, “She should be resting now, the toss she just made has consumed all her strength, you don’t want to mess with her anymore.” ”

The Monkey Clan Elder said sadly, “I don’t want to mess with her either!” But how could I not have imagined why such a thing would happen to my little granddaughter? The fable of the monkey hou for thousands of years says that there will be a female monkey in our monkey clan who will change into the form of a human maiden, and then she will have a love affair with the most outstanding monkey of our monkey clan, but now the most outstanding monkey of our monkey clan is Qi Tian Dasheng, what if she is with Qi Tian Dasheng? ”

Hobby didn’t expect that there was such a terrible relationship in this, and immediately he frowned slightly and said, “It shouldn’t be so serious, after all, now Qi Tian Dasheng doesn’t know where he is, and the little female monkey she looks like now is not necessarily permanent, it is likely to be temporary, wait until this strange power disappears.” ”

The Monkey Elder said bitterly, “If only you had said it so easily, but the prophecies of my Monkey Clan could never be wrong, and over the years, the Monkey Clan’s prophecies have not been missed once, and this time, the suffering of my Monkey Clan is imminent.” ”

His words were a look of despair and a look of sadness.

Bi Haodu couldn’t help but be very sad to hear, he pulled the monkey elder and said, “If you don’t want to give up, let her be with me, so that Qi Tian Dasheng should not rob people’s daughters-in-law.” ”

The Monkey Clan Elder’s eyes lit up at first, and then he shook his head in disappointment and said, “If you had married her before, how nice it would have been.” But now it is impossible, she has become the appearance of a human maiden, how can the aesthetics of a human maiden be the same as the aesthetics of the monkey clan, you are now just a broken monkey, and the cultivation is not as good as Qi Tian Dasheng, the same two monkeys are placed in front of her, you say he will choose Qi Tian Dasheng or will choose you. ”

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