I didn’t expect the appearance of this girl of the phoenix to be pure outside and inside, but it was really pitiful, and Bi Hao’s heart itched, and he was eager to immediately put this little beauty on the spot.

“I’ll take you around Uncle Bi’s study, let’s go, and when we’re done with the study, it’s time to go see your current apprentice, and I still want to hear your apprentice call me Master Lady.” What Phoenix was thinking about at the moment was the so-called Chu Zihang.

After all, that teenager’s talent was very amazing, and his personal understanding was very good, if it weren’t for the fact that this was Mount Emei’s disciple meeting, she would now want to take that Chu Zihang over as her own disciple.

She also understood very well why Bi Hao would choose to close the disciples, because there were very few people in this world who wanted to find out talents like Chu Zihang, not to mention that with their talents, it was very urgent to cultivate themselves, and taking an apprentice was already the limit.

Bring a few more, and how much cultivation time they will sacrifice.

Hearing Phoenix say this, Bi Hao remembered that he still had an apprentice waiting for him.

At that moment, he patted the back of his head and said embarrassedly, “Look at my memory, I just forgot about the apprentice I just accepted.” ”

Phoenix looked at him with a cry and a smile, “Thanks to my help in refusing, as a result, you yourself have forgotten, then forget it, let’s play a little longer, anyway, you yourself are not in a hurry to call your apprentice.” ”

“I certainly don’t teach him directly, I am not necessarily as tall as him in my cultivation now.” Bi Hao said calmly.

Phoenix thought for a moment and smiled, “Yes, speaking of the person who is now about to enter the distraction period for him, you are only in the Dan period now, and it is definitely better than not winning compared with him.”

“That’s not necessarily true, although Xiu Wei can’t win him, but take out all his belongings to fight with him, and then look at it again, Bi Hao said very unconvincedly, he has never instigated this aspect of fighting.”

Although I don’t know if Bi Hao will break this rule in the end, but at the moment, Chu Zihang is definitely Bi Hao’s only apprentice, so if he is kind to this apprentice, maybe Chu Zihang will be dead to himself, and when the time comes, he will blow the wind in his master’s ear, and his position as a master is not justified? Although this feeling is also good now.

So Phoenix smiled slightly, and said very calmly, “Anyway, I am also his master and wife, why am I being kind to him?” Why not. ”

Bi Hao looked at her with a cry and a smile and said, “Oh, I didn’t say no, but I just think I’m very surprised, who rushed to be a teacher, you make me feel embarrassed like this, I said that I would like to be his master.” ”

Phoenix snorted and said, “Don’t you want to be his master?” Those eyes were glowing when you saw him, don’t think I don’t know. ”

Bi Haoha laughed and said, “The one who knows me is the phoenix.” ”

He really held a good seedling for that Chu Zihang, so he didn’t expect the phoenix to pay much attention to Chu Zihang, and even this little bit of his careful thinking could see that he really loved him to the extreme.

Phoenix looked at him and suddenly revealed a strange smile and said, “If I hadn’t known that the relationship between the two of you is now, I would have thought you liked him.” ”

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