Bi Hao’s face changed, “Heaven and earth conscience, I absolutely don’t like men, that child’s life is relatively pitiful, but I always feel that he is hiding from me, but the heart is good.” “After all, the data analysis of the system should be error-free.

Phoenix covered her mouth and smiled and said, “I’m just talking about playing, you are serious, you have this expression of course I believe that you have nothing to do with him, a hard man who has a soft girl to be comfortable.” ”

As a result, Bi Hao sighed twice and said, “If it is a real man, he should engage in men, and a soft girl should do it.” ”

After saying this, he regretted it, so that this was not the face of the phoenix and himself in minutes.

In a word, he scolded both the phoenix and himself.

Bi Hao quickly explained with a bitter smile, “You believe me, I’m just joking.” As a result, watching the phoenix’s face become more and more ugly, Bi Hao knew that he had stabbed into the honeycomb.

“Don’t get angry, little aunt, I’m joking, if you get angry, I’ll have to apologize.” Bi Hao said bitterly, “What should I do if you are angry?” Although I am not afraid to coax you, and I must be confident that I can coax you, but the little aunt and grandmother you are angry, too wronged yourself, I look pained. ”

It should be said that the appearance of this man’s greasy mouth and slippery tongue is to make people like, and how to look at it is not greasy.

Phoenix originally hated the two words he said, because this would make Phoenix feel that there was a problem with his mate selection level.

But after hearing Bi Hao’s rhetoric to her, she felt that her heart was open again, and her man would not really sleep with a man, but if she wanted to say a few ridiculous words, she did not mean anything at a glance.

The cautious appearance when he was madly chasing Bi Hao before was long gone, and now the phoenix was more like a petite girlfriend, calling out to Bi Hao, quite skilled.

But at the moment, this makes Bi Hao very useful, and the petite girlfriend is cute, and Bi Hao just likes this feeling.

And I have to say that the phoenix such a big beauty sprinkled up, that is really pleasing to the eye, how to look at it is not tired, it is too beautiful.

At that moment, Bi Hao couldn’t help but smile slightly, took the phoenix into his arms, kissed it fiercely and said, “Baby wife, don’t be angry with me, didn’t I take you out to play?” ”

As a result, Phoenix looked at him and said, “Obviously, I took you around to wander around, you didn’t even finish visiting Mount Emei, and you still mean to say that you took me to play.” ”

The two men encountered some unhappy things in that secret room, but at the moment they seemed to forget those troubles in the back of their minds, and instead concentrated on playing outside.

Anyway, there was a tall man standing on top of the sky falling, and the cultivation of the two of them was not yet the turn to be this savior, and if something really happened, Bi Xiuzhen would also be watching in front of them.

This commotion came to the evening, and as a result, the two people walked more and more hi, and finally walked to the most barren mountain in Mount Emei.

It’s not that it doesn’t have any trees or anything like that, on the contrary, the trees on this mountain are lush and there are many trees, but this mountain makes people feel that there is no life at all, very deserted.

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