Don’t know why.

Bi Hao was very curious, and dragged the phoenix inside, only to find that there seemed to be no insects, birds, insects, insects or animals or the like here, only these trees.

Bi Hao originally thought that these books would be dangerous, such as eating people and the like, but when he reached out, he found that these trees were just very ordinary trees.

He was very puzzled.

As a result, in the next instant, the system suddenly heard a muttering sound, “The system is upgrading and automatically shutting down, please don’t rush to find death.” ”

How can this bullshit system be upgraded at every turn, not angry when it should be upgraded, and always upgraded when it should not be angry.

Now your host is going to explore the results of the new world, you fucking upgraded me again, what a bullshit system, what a crap.

After scolding the shutdown dog for half a day in his heart, Phoenix looked at Bi Hao’s grumpy appearance and couldn’t help but smile and say, “Dear what are you doing?” ”

Bi Hao said awkwardly, “I’m scolding a dog.” ”

This can be a good system shutdown, he also does not know whether he should go in, without the system of this item, his cultivation in this Dan period, that in front of the phoenix is not enough to see, in case the time to anger the phoenix, the phoenix will eat themselves dry and wipe clean?

Although this is just a joke, it does not guarantee that it is not possible.

Phoenix frowned and looked at Bi Hao and said, “Honey, I feel that you seem to have two personalities in your body, do you have schizophrenia?” If anything, tell me if this instability can still be cured, and I can help you. ”

Bi Hao looked embarrassed, he didn’t expect that talking to the system had turned into personality split-disorder, how to explain to the phoenix that he had a system.

Now that he has taken Phoenix as his wife, there seems to be no need for so many such and such things between Phoenix and Phoenix, but when he thinks that if this system is leaked, it will lead to many people fighting, Bi Hao does not dare to guarantee whether he can keep the system, so for the safety of the system, Bi Hao still chooses not to say, he just smiled slightly and said, “I don’t know if it is another day for you to help me see Oh.” ”

This look made Phoenix firm up to the idea that Bi Hao actually had personality splits.

So the phoenix immediately said with a firm little face, “You can rest assured, I will definitely help you cure him.” ”

Bi Hao cried and laughed, scolded the next door system 20 times in his heart, blamed you for this dog-forced thing, causing me to be considered by my wife to have personality schizophrenia, Lao Tzu If his wife ran away to see how you compensate me, yuck!

Looking at this barren mountain, Bi Hao decided to find out, so he said to Phoenix, “My wife went in with me to see.” ”

Phoenix naturally went wherever the husband went, nodded his head with a smile and said, “If you want to go, I will accompany you, rest assured, I will protect you.” ”

Bi Hao grinned, feeling a little crying, he was a big old man who still wanted a woman to protect, how to think and how to hold back, but at the moment, the strength of the phoenix was indeed stronger than him, and he had to smile bitterly.

So the two people walked all the way, and there was really no life on this barren mountain, and there was no insect songbird calling very quietly.

Those grasses stepping on the soles of their feet are also lifeless, very desolate.

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