Bi Hao didn’t know why such a strange mountain existed, so he asked the phoenix if he had any memories of the mountain.

Phoenix shook her head and said, “I’ve never been to this place, and it looks like it’s been a case in recent years.” ”

“What kind of ghost has emerged in recent years, what kind of ghost, go back and ask Uncle Bi, maybe he knows something about this, but do you see this cave can we go in and walk around?”

Not far from the two of them appeared a cave, which was very spacious enough for five or six people to go in side by side.

At that moment, both of them wanted to go inside to find out, and Phoenix smiled softly and said with great strength, “As long as you want to go, I will accompany you.” ”

Phoenix still had self-confidence, after all, her current cultivation was already very high, and no one could hurt her.

She didn’t believe that this secret realm could take her life, so she immediately pulled Bi Hao into it with a leading force, and the momentum of the overwhelming force was even inferior to Bi Hao’s.

Enter the cave and fall into it

After a violent shock wave, the two people suddenly fell into a bottomless cave, which was very dark and could not see five fingers. Phoenix heard Bi Hao’s frightened heart flutter and jump, and suddenly laughed, making Bi Hao look dazed.

Phoenix said, “What, are you afraid?” Don’t forget, I’m a Fire Spirit Root monk. ”

As soon as she snapped her fingers, she saw an orange-yellow glow in the cave.

Just then, the phoenix turned and looked at Bi Hao, only to see that his face was full of red, and he whispered, “I didn’t forget that you were a Fire Spirit Root cultivator because I was too sudden!” Now that we’re in, why don’t we go into the cave and find out? ”

Seeing that the phoenix did not object, the two of them walked into the cave together, and Bi Hao followed the phoenix closely along the way.

The reason why he followed the phoenix closely was because, on the one hand, he did not want the phoenix out of his sight, and on the other hand, because there was an unknown danger in the cave, and he did not want the phoenix because of his negligence to be injured.

Although the phoenix was much higher than his cultivation, no matter what, out of a man’s protective psychology for his beloved woman, he would not let the phoenix leave his sight for half a step.

As soon as the two of them walked for a while, Bi Hao asked, “Do you feel that something is not quite right, why is it so hot all over your body?” ”

This feeling is very wrong, there is a feeling of zao heat all over the body, something in the body is screaming in the impulse, about to spew out, it is a feeling that makes you feel like a fire, but behind this feeling seems to bring great pleasure, people can’t help it, can’t help but want to release this impulse.

At that moment, Bi Hao wanted to restart the shutdown system, and he now began to regret the matter of shutting down the system in anger before, if the system was turned on, he might be able to reconnoiter now.

However, at present, the system is being updated, and there is no way to restart.

Finally knowing how bad his situation was when the system was not there, Bi Hao began to decide to re-examine the system in his heart.

Bi Hao knew that he must have encountered something strange and inhaled a very terrible gas, so he immediately smiled bitterly and said, “Do you feel that you are stepping into the set step by step?” ”

Phoenix replied, “Me too, let’s be vigilant in case someone is plotting.” ”

Between the words, suddenly one of the phoenix’s heels did not stand firmly, and it looked like it was about to fall, Bi Hao tried to help him with a speed that could not cover his ears, but the two of them both fell, and Bi Hao landed on the phoenix’s body. At this time, the consciousness of the two people was already blurred, and after staring at each other for a few seconds, the two became entangled.

Suddenly the phoenix bit his mouth and said softly, “I, I feel like I want to eat you.” ”

Bi Hao smiled helplessly, “This sentence should be said to me, how did it become that you told me.” ”

At this time, the phoenix had lost the brilliance in its eyes and had become unfocused.

Similarly, Bi Hao also felt something strange, but before he could react, the two fell into it at the same time…

Two hours later, the phoenix gasped at Bi Hao’s already unfashionable clothes with a spring glow, “You are awesome! ”

Bi Haowei smiled, and gently caressed the phoenix’s hair for a moment, the phoenix’s current appearance was really tempting, like a lazy cat, so that anyone who saw it liked it.

After the unexpected “wind and rain”, the phoenix asked delicately, “Is there something like aphrodisiac or something in this cave that is confusing the two of us?” ”

Bi Hao replied, “It is impossible, judging by the physical strength of the two of us, the aphrodisiac drugs have no effect on us at all, how can we be confused?” ”

“But we were just confused by something.” Phoenix retorted.

Bi Hao thought for a moment and said, “You follow me, let’s go to the depths of the cave to look for it, and see if we can find anything?” ”

Speaking of the system is still being updated and upgraded, he does not know when it will be updated, counting on this system to analyze those that are obviously impossible, and now he can only rely on himself.

But he and Phoenix were both ascetic, but why was it so hard to help themselves do that kind of thing now?

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