Originally, according to Bi Hao’s nature, he absolutely could not have wronged the phoenix in the cave.

However, I didn’t expect that Fang had actually slept with the phoenix halfway through the half-push, and it seemed that there must be a bigger secret in it.

So immediately the two people did not rub, after the two people did those things, they felt that the heat in the body was much less, so they forced themselves to get dressed.

Bi Hao’s coat was already dirty, so he didn’t ask for it, just left his clothes aside.

After the phoenix put on her clothes, she saw that Bi Hao did not want this dress, and her eyes moved a little reluctantly to put Bi Hao’s dirty clothes into the space.

Bi Hao also knew that these women had their first episodes, and it was normal for her to keep this thing.

The two of them walked all the way forward, and the sense of emptiness that you and I were on, but the more you walked, the emptiness actually appeared.

Bi Hao found that the more he went inside, the stronger the feeling of his body became.

He said to the phoenix, “If you are an ordinary person, you may not be able to walk to the middle of the cave, and you will die of hunger and thirst.” Thanks to you this time, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to go so far. ”

Phoenix listened and blushed, not knowing what to say, so he twisted Bi Hao’s arm fiercely.

So the two talked and laughed, and unconsciously walked to the depths of the cave.

Bi Hao and the phoenix couldn’t imagine how there could be a paradise in this cave, which was very different from the scenery along the way.

But at this moment, Bi Hao felt more and more hungry and thirsty, and so did the phoenix.

Bi Hao said to the phoenix very calmly, “According to the ancients, there is a kind of elixir called ‘Spring Love Mushroom’ in this world, and it is a valuable treasure, but this is just a legend, no one has seen it at all.” ”

“I was just skeptical when I was in the cave, but now it seems absolutely correct.” Bi Hao continued.

When the phoenix heard this, she also became serious, no longer confused by the scenery in front of her.

She said seriously, “Even if there really is this elixir, but we have never seen him as he really is, there are so many flowers and plants in front of us, where should we start?” Even if we find it, how can we be sure that he is not the ‘spring love mushroom’ we are looking for? ”

Bi Hao said, “Since it is a spring love mushroom, is it more obvious that our body reacts more as we get closer to it?” Besides, I’m sure he belongs to a type of mushroom, so let’s find something similar to a mushroom, which should be easier. ”

After hearing this, the two of them immediately split up and began to look for “Spring Love Mushroom”.

Time passed by moment by moment, the two still found nothing, and the phoenix had lost patience and sat on the ground to rest.

At this moment, Bi Hao felt that his physical reaction was even stronger than before, but he just couldn’t find it.

As he whirled around in place he remembered, he had focused all his attention on the ground, but had forgotten the wall above his head.

At the moment when he raised his head, he really saw the spring love mushroom, but just after getting the spring love mushroom, the sexual desire he was pressing with his true qi suddenly exploded.

The phoenix in the distance saw that something was wrong, and immediately got up to see what was happening, only to be stopped by Bi Hao’s arm from the waist and wrapped in his arms, and just as the phoenix was about to say something, Bi Hao kissed him fiercely.

Because of the Spring Love Mushroom, the phoenix also had no consciousness in an instant, just catering to Bi Hao’s love attacks again and again. Both slept when they were sweating.

When the phoenix woke up, she found Bi Hao holding her tightly. Phoenix replied shyly to Bi Hao, “This time you have taken advantage of everything.” ”

Between the words was all admiration for Bi Hao. The two of them lingered together for a while, and Bi Hao said, “It’s not too early, we should go back.” ”

After sorting out their clothes, the two returned to Mount Emei with spring love mushrooms.

On the way back to the main peak of Mount Emei, Bi Hao looked at the spring love mushroom, and his face was quite ugly.

The appearance of the spring love mushroom looks very imaginative, after all, the mushroom that looks like a man’s penis, Bi Hao is still the first time to see it.

Phoenix’s face was also very shy, it was this mushroom that caused her to be taken away by Bi Hao for the first time.

Although she did not reject it in her heart, and even vaguely liked this feeling, she still felt shy when she thought about it.

However, at this moment, watching Bi Hao repeatedly play with the spring love mushroom in his hand, Phoenix still said worriedly, “You don’t want to take it, in case you come out of the ocean later, it will not be good, after all, the power of this spring girl is still very large.” ”

Bi Hao smiled slightly and said, “This spring love mushroom will have no effect after I took it off.” ”

“So what’s the use of keeping this mushroom?”

“But don’t you know that this mushroom can be reproduced?” When you go back and plant it for a while, it will grow again, and it is estimated that it will have the same effect when the time comes. Bi Hao sighed and said.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen such a big aphrodisiac thing, it’s really strange.”

“How do you know this is a spring love mushroom?”

“This thing was only seen once when I was in that plane, but I didn’t expect to be able to see it in this place, and at that time I only saw it in the book, I didn’t expect to see the real thing, and this power is really terrible, making me feel sorry for you, my willpower is stronger than yours, and the result is actually so, and it is really wronged to say it.” Bi Hao said regretfully.

I thought that it should be the night of the candle with the Phoenix Cave Room that would gently take away her first time.

As a result, now that the heavens and the earth are used as beds and the phoenix is the bride, although this feeling is not bad, it still feels very wronged by the phoenix.

There was a faint glow of water in the phoenix’s eyes, not that he felt wronged, but when he looked at Bi Hao’s self-blame at the moment, he was very touched by the look of thinking about himself at a glance.

She did not expect that after getting her first time, Bi Hao would be so angry.

At that moment, she put her arms around Bi Hao and said softly, “In fact, it doesn’t matter, as long as I can do that kind of thing with people together, I feel very happy, not to mention that even if it was at that time, I thought we had already worshiped heaven and earth, husband Jun ~ Now that I am your wife, do you want to know me well?” ”

Bi Hao rubbed her hair, he was not the kind of person who started chaos and gave up, not to mention that Phoenix was such an excellent woman, he actually liked it for a long time.

Immediately he nodded and said, “I’ll be nice to you, trust me,.” ”

“You’re so nice.” Unable to help himself, the phoenix stretched out her head and kissed Bi Hao’s face loudly.

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