This Chun Qing Gu seemed to be a kind of elixir, and I didn’t know if I could show Bi Xiuzhen what effect it could discover.

As a super alchemy master, his attainment in this aspect of medicinal materials was definitely much deeper than that of Bi Hao and Phoenix.

The two men went all the way to the main hall of Mount Emei to look at the study and then entered the study, and saw Bi Xiuzhen who was reading.

Bi Xiuzhen was looking at the name of Mount Emei’s disciple meeting today, and when he saw that tens of thousands of people had only accepted a few disciples, he couldn’t help but frown.

At this time, seeing that Bi Hao and Phoenix appeared in front of him with flushed faces, he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow and said, “It was just right to come, I want to ask you how you accepted such a few disciples, I looked at it, some of the seedlings are very good, how can not want.” ”

“Of course, I don’t want these seedlings who have the right mind, and if you want them, you can take them back now, but I can’t guarantee that I won’t do anything bad to Mount Emei in the future.” Bi Hao explained in a faint tone, and then he smiled slightly and said, “If you believe me, then these seedlings can’t be wanted, no matter how good the talent is, it is useless, is it that no matter how talented they are, after we cultivate them into talents, they will always be loyal to Mount Emei?” No, it is impossible, I want to choose the people whose human nature is the first, the talent is the bottom, the heart is down, I have devoted all my resources to teach them, then they can naturally achieve very good achievements, and not the people who are not right in the heart, can not be used for me, there is no point in keeping, cultivated, but to help others make a wedding dress. ”

Bi Xiuzhen nodded, suddenly smiled and said, “It’s very interesting for you to say this, but how do you determine that there must be something wrong with their mentality.” ”

“This doesn’t bother you, I see people naturally have a set, like you cultivate people I can’t see through, but those people cultivate in general, several have not yet begun to cultivate, although Miao Zi talent is very good, but their hearts I can see through.” Bi Hao said this, suddenly smiled slightly, and said, “The mountain people have their own clever plans.” ”

As soon as he said this, Bi Xiuzhen couldn’t say anything more, so he just nodded his head and said, “Then please, you come from another world, there must be a lot of wonderful things on display in our world, I believe you can attract the best talents for our Emei Mountain.” ”

Anyway, he thought that Bi Hao came from another world, and in this world, Bi Hao must have some wonderful abilities that could be used, so it was also a very normal thing to be able to judge the good and evil in people’s hearts.

He was thinking like this, but Bi Hao suddenly smiled and said, “I came to you for other things, you can recognize this.” He pulled out the mushroom in his hand that looked like the second characteristic of a human man, smiled and said, “This thing is called the Spring Love Mushroom, which is very strange, I don’t know if you know.” ”

As a result, Bi Xiuzhen’s eyes lit up at once, and he said in surprise, “How did you find this thing!” This was an elixir that the cultivation world had not encountered for tens of thousands of years. ”

Bi Hao skimmed his lips and said that it was so precious, but this elixir was in your Emei Mountain, and no one had found it in all these years, or it was only after he and the Phoenix had happened that they had only found out, and it was a little funny to think about it.

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