Bi Xiuzhen looked at the hot eyes on the side, and couldn’t help but cover his eyes and say, “You two little ones show love, don’t you want to be in front of me?” They were about to blind my dog’s eyes. ”

When Phoenix heard her father-in-law laughing at her like this, her face turned red into a beautiful big tomato, and she pushed Bi Hao and said with disgust, “I blame you, don’t tease me anymore, otherwise I will ignore you.” ”

“All right, I’m not flirting with you, let’s go to bed and take our time.” After Bi Hao whispered these words in Phoenix’s ear, he caused the phoenix’s face to be full of color and softness.

Phoenix looked at him with a white eye, pointed to the sky and said, “Who cares about that Li Xiuyuan, you see what he is calling now, it is estimated that his mentality is going to explode.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen seemed to have remembered such a figure as Li Xiuyuan now, he tilted his head slightly and smiled and said, “A dog barking will make him bark, anyway, there is no loss for us, right?” However, how could he come to my Emei Mountain for no reason, so he wasn’t afraid that I would give his Kun Tong Mountain to the end. ”

Feeling that something was wrong at this thought, the First Xiu Zhen showed a heavy expression on his face, and he looked at the sky and frowned slightly, “Now I have ordered all the disciples of Mount Emei not to go out.” ”

As the Lord of Mount Emei, the way of transmitting commands was naturally different from the way those disciples needed to pass through the magic weapon, and the voice of Bi Xiuzhen immediately reverberated in every corner of Mount Emei.

Bi Hao looked at all this in front of him in shock, very puzzled, what is the situation? How it was as if my father had done nothing, and he had the effect of a megaphone.

“You’re a layman.” Phoenix knew that Bi Hao couldn’t understand it, so he explained to him with a chuckle, “This is actually a means commonly used in our cultivation circles, every mountain protection array has such a amplification array, and the amplification array can transmit the voice of the leader of the formation to every corner of the formation, as long as this formation is located, the voice of the formation controller can be conveyed at any time, which is much more advanced than those magic weapons.” ”

“As it turns out, your cultivation world is really magical.” Bi Hao couldn’t help but sigh.

“There are still a lot of magical things, but you just need to slowly discover them, your current cultivation is still low, and it is not too late to sigh after you find them later, but I believe that you will definitely be able to make these things in the end, maybe the man who stands at the top of the cultivation world in the end is you, right? Phoenix smiled and squinted.

Although there was still some uncertainty in her mouth, she believed in her heart that the man who was finally at the top of the cultivation world must be her family’s man, it must be Bi Hao, Bi Hao’s talent also exists, perseverance also has IQ.

What reason is there for such an excellent man not to stand at the top of the cultivation world?

However, at this moment, Bi Xiuzhen did not pay attention to their flirting, but looked at Li Xiuyuan above the sky with a solemn face, revealing a mocking smile, and suddenly his voice condensed into a beam of sound, which was transmitted to the outside of the formation, “Li Xiuyuan, you shameless old thief, you dare to run to our Emei Mountain to jump, is it itchy and poor.” ”

These words are extremely domineering and echo for a long time.

There are many people of great forces outside Mount Emei who are watching from afar.

When they first saw Li Xiuyuan pressing against the Emei Mountain Gate, they all felt very shocked.

After all, Bi Xiu was really a lord who never suffered losses, how could he let Li Xiuyuan suppress it, was there something wrong in Mount Emei.

But then they saw Bi Xiuzhen respond in such a strong and funny way, and they were all immediately suspicious of their previous guesses.

Li Xiuyuan did not have half a point of timidity in Bi Xiuzhen’s response, but said with a disdainful face, “Bi Xiuzhen, you shrunken-headed turtle can only hide in the formation, and you have the ability to come out of the formation to fight with me to the death.” ”

Bi Hao’s face was shocked and he said, “This is a radical general method, he wants to force you to go out and fight with him, a poisonous trick, now there must be a lot of powerful people outside watching the battle, if you go, it will be right in his arms, if you don’t go to your reputation of not being able to fight, it will spread throughout the entire cultivation world, and then the reputation of Mount Emei will not be able to break itself.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen snorted disdainfully and said, “My reputation as the first in Mount Emei, that is all the hard work of Lao Tzu, why should these outsiders evaluate, Lao Tzu now has thousands less people who can still beat me to their farts and urine, I don’t recognize my parents, Li Xiuyuan wants to come to me to provoke, I just don’t go out to see what he can do with me, this reputation, those who really want to go to Mount Emei to learn from the master, will they still care about these reputations.” ”

Unexpectedly, Bi Xiuzhen was so free, and Bi Hao’s eyes showed admiration, “If my words are not specified how grumpy it is, now I have learned.” ”

Sure enough, there is an old treasure in the family, and there are many things that can be learned from these old people, although Bi Xiuzhen does not look old, but Bi Hao feels that his bone age feels that he has been a person who has lived for thousands of years.

“My son follows his father, there are many things you will have to learn in the future, such as how to control a whole huge sect.” Bi Xiuzhen suddenly showed a strange smile on his face, and that smile carried some kind and malicious intentions.

Bi Hao said in his heart, “Do you plan to hand over the entire Mount Emei to me in the future?” ”

At this time, Bi Xiuzhen did not care about Li Xiuyuan, who was constantly shouting in the sky, but nodded his head with a serious face and said, “Son, sooner or later I will have to go to Yuhua Immortal, and then Mount Emei will definitely be handed over to the young generation, your talent is stronger than my original son’s talent, who do you think I can give to you if I don’t hand it over?” Although we have received some good seedlings, but they are still young, embarrassed to take on a big responsibility, and only you have the talent and strength, and the heart is also excellent, I think you are a suitable leader. ”

“Okay, I see, I’ll see later, maybe things will change in the future.” Bi Hao sighed and then looked at the sky.

That Li Xiuyuan’s curse in the sky still didn’t end like this, all the ugly words spat out of his mouth, Bi Hao was very suspicious of whether this Li Xiuyuan really had that so-called everyone’s demeanor?

Obviously not.

And Li Xiuyuan’s approach has undoubtedly aroused the antipathy of some people.

Immediately, some powerful people were complaining about what was second only to the cultivators of Bi Xiuzhen, and as a result, their mouths were full of dirty words, which was really disgusting.

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