Who is Li Xiuyuan? How could a great cultivator who was second only to Bi Xiuzhen not hear these people’s arguments.

Immediately, he was overwhelmed by these people’s arguments, and almost died of anger, but Li Xiuyuan calmed down again in his thoughts, remembering the various admonitions that the mysterious man had given him.

He smiled coldly and said, “You people are watching my jokes now, and wait until I cut that Bi Xiuzhen under the horse, and then take care of you.” ”

His fierce threat naturally made those who were still talking about it at the beginning close their mouths in fear.

After all, although they looked down on Li Xiuyuan very much, Li Xiuyuan was also a great cultivator in the entire cultivation immortal world second only to Bi Xiuzhen, which really annoyed him, and they didn’t have any good fruit to eat.

After all, there were no elders in their sect who could resist Li Xiuyuan, the great monk.

Moreover, even if it was the second, this big guy still had enough strength to overwhelm the entire cultivation world.

If it weren’t for Bi Xiuzhen, the dark horse that had suddenly risen, Li Xiuyuan would surely be the overlord of the Ling Zhi side now.

Bi Xiuzhen saw that his threat was very effective, and immediately smiled coldly, and immediately continued to shout loudly at Mount Emei at his feet, “Bi Xiuzhen, you shrunken-headed turtle has not dared to come out to see me until now, you are so big that you dare not come out, what do you really want to do?” Hurry up and die, I will prove to myself today, let the people of the world know that I Li Xiuyuan is the world’s first cultivator, you Bi Xiuzhen is just a shrunken-headed turtle, come out quickly and die! ”

His hoarse words naturally did not cause Bi Xiuzhen any reaction, he just lazily raised his eyelids, looked at Bi Hao and the phoenix and said, “Listen, how noisy this person is.” ”

Bi Haoqiang suppressed the smile on his face, very cooperatively plucked his ears, and then looked at Bi Xiuzhen and said, “What my father said.” ”

Although in the eyes of outsiders, Bi Xiuzhen’s current move seemed to be instigated, Bi Hao and Phoenix understood that Bi Xiuzhen just did not pay attention to Li Xiuyuan at all.

This is not contempt, but comes from the deepest arrogance in the heart, that is, looking down on you Li Xiuyuan.

Li Xiuyuan roared for a long time and did not see anyone coming, and he even couldn’t help but wonder if there was something wrong with the method that the mysterious man told him, but in a moment of thought, it was absolutely impossible for a big person with hands and eyes like a mysterious person to deceive him.

So he gathered enough confidence again, and roared at Mount Emei for a long time, but the mountain gate was still calm, and no one responded, and Li Xiuyuan was finally angry.

He remembered what the mysterious man had told him that if Bi Xiuzhen did not come out to fight for a long time, you would hit the gate of Mount Emei, force them out, and let them open the door themselves.

Thinking of doing it, Li Xiuyuan smiled coldly, ran his hands to the thunder palm to lift the posture, and smashed into Mount Emei.

Bi Xiuzhen, Bi Hao, and the Phoenix had been paying attention to Li Xiuyuan’s movements in the sky.

At this time, seeing the posture in Li Xiuyuan’s hand, he knew that Li Xiuyuan was angry and angry and wanted to attack Mount Emei.

At that moment, Bi Hao’s face changed and he said, “He is trying to force us out.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen said with a cold face, “Just by virtue of this old man’s cultivation, you can’t break through my Emei Mountain Array, you must know this mountain protection array, but your mother personally left it.” ”

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