At this time, Li Xiuyuan, who was ridiculed in a state of disarray, finally decided to make a quick decision in the process of shaking his body.

He looked at Bi Xiuzhen angrily and shouted loudly, “Bi Xiuzhen, you old calf actually laughed at me so much, you see I don’t kill you!” ”

Bi Xiuzhen said with a cold face, “Although the time and space path you cultivated looks very strange, and you can steal my skills, it is impossible to kill me.” ”

At that moment, Bi Xiuzhen’s hands pulled out dozens of spells, and those spells were filled with an inexplicable force that made people panic, Li Xiuyuan’s eyes narrowed, “This is a super quality spell, how can you have -”

Bi Xiuzhen said coldly, “Don’t forget, my wife is a refining master, but she also has a hidden identity, she is also a super spell master, otherwise how could she be killed by the Heavenly Dao.” ”

When he mentioned his wife, Bi Xiuzhen’s face was very ugly, remembering those unpleasant pasts, or making Bi Xiuzhen feel very sad.

But at the moment, Bi Xiuzhen didn’t care so much, he just looked at Li Xiuyuan faintly and said, “Old Pifu, since you are so ignorant, then let me teach you a good lesson.” ”

Saying that Bi Xiuzhen lifted the spell and threw it at Li Xiuyuan, Li Xiuyuan smiled darkly and said, “It is impossible for you to hurt me just by virtue of these spells, although these spells of yours have been lost in our cultivation world for many years, but it is absolutely impossible to hurt me!” ”

Saying that, Li Xiuyuan’s face was cold, and as soon as he pulled his hands, those spells disappeared out of thin air.

Bi Xiuzhen was horrified to find that those spells had actually cut off the spiritual connection with himself, and he frowned slightly, “This time you are sending my spells to the turbulent flow of which space turbulence.” ”

Li Xiuyuan smiled and said, “Aren’t you conceited and talented?” So guess – can you guess? If you can’t guess, you will obediently wait to die! ”

Saying that, Li Xiuyuan’s body shook slightly in the air, and as a result, he lost his body shape in an instant.

Bi Xiuzhen looked around with full vigilance, carefully guarding when Li Xiuyuan would sneak out.

At this time, Bi Hao’s eyes moved slightly, and he felt that Bi Xiuzhen’s back was about a meter away, and the space fluctuated slightly.

So Bi Hao hurriedly shouted, “Father be careful one meter behind you, that Li Xiuyuan is behind you——”

Bi Xiuzhen reacted quite quickly, and immediately catapulted his body to pull away, and as a result, Li Xiuyuan’s figure inexplicably appeared in his original position.

Li Xiuyuan looked at Bi Xiuzhen with anger on his face and said, “Shameless old thief, you actually let your son spy on my trajectory——”

Bi Xiuzhen laughed and said, “This is called I have a son, you don’t have the ability, you have the ability to let your waste daughter come to see it, huh?” You see how right my daughter-in-law and my son are, your daughter-in-law, no, your daughter and your demon son-in-law don’t know how happy they are now. ”

Bi Xiuzhen snorted and continued to sprinkle paprika in Li Xiuyuan’s shattered heart.

Bi Hao couldn’t help but laugh while looking at his heart, Bi Xiuzhen was really hitting Li Xiuyuan all the time, and Li Xiuyuan’s trembling look also showed from the side that Bi Xiuyuan really hit very successfully.

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