“Shameless old thief, you are really so shameless, you are hitting me all the time, I want to fight with you——”

Speaking of Li Xiuyuan’s vicious roar, as if he really wanted to go all out.

Bi Xiuzhen said coldly, “Old thief, I have seen through your space path, is it nothing more than borrowing extremely fast movement speed to achieve the effect of tearing up space?” I tell you about your undetectable trajectory, but I have a way to predict it. ”

Li Xiuyuan said with a sinister face, “How can it be—you can see my spatial trajectory, you’re joking—old thief, are you lying to me again, you’re lying to me every time you fight.” ”

Bi Hao shook his head slightly and said, “This Li Xiuyuan is really pitiful, he has been deceived by his father every time.” ”

Phoenix smiled and said, “That also shows that he is stupid, and a smarter person will not be deceived like this at all, do you say yes or no?” ”

With this thought, Bi Hao nodded his head and smiled and said, “Yes, I also think he is really stupid.” ”

At this time, Li Xiuyuan, who had already been classified as a fool in Bi Hao’s eyes, began to roar angrily, “Come out, my brother-”

His body began to constantly emit purple-red flames, slowly burning.

Bi Xiuzhen’s face tightened, “You actually used the Soul Summoning Technique, Li Xiuyuan, you are crazy, you will be doomed like this——”

Li Xiuyuan said with a sinister face, “That mysterious man told me that as long as I choose this path, it will be possible to defeat you, I have nothing to fear now, anyway, my Mount Meru and your Mount Emei have formed a mortal vendetta, today either you die or I die, there is absolutely no third result -”

At this time, Bi Xiuzhen calmed down from the initial panic moment, and said calmly, “No, there is only one today, and the result is that you die.” ”

Li Xiuyuan was stunned, and suddenly looked up at the sky and let out a long roar, and then laughed loudly, “Bi Xiuzhen, you will always be so confident, I tell you that today you will absolutely overturn the ship in the gutter, and when I summon him out, you will undoubtedly die.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen looked at him with a smile and said, “You just need to tell me who that mysterious person is, and I can consider letting you die.” ”

Li Xiuyuan sighed and said, “No, it’s impossible, I’m already like this, I’m about to die, even if you let me not die, I don’t have a few years to live, it’s better to fight with you today, maybe I can let you die, even if I can’t let you die, I can make you seriously injured.” ”

This sentence can already be seen that Li Xiuyuan is actually very bottomless.

Up to now, he had gone all out to use all his tricks, but Bi Xiuzhen still seemed not to go all out, so Li Xiuyuan was very discouraged, did he try his whole life to catch up with Bi Xiuzhen, still could not catch up with Bi Xiuzhen.

What kind of monster is this Bi Xiuzhen? It’s terrible, and his son, this father and son are really terrible and terrible.

Why didn’t I inherit such a good gene, and why didn’t I have such a good cultivation behavior?

God you are really unfair,” Heavenly Dao is unfair—” Li Xiuyuan shouted with his arms raised, looking sad and indignant at the sky.

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