At this time, thunder and lightning suddenly sounded in the sky, and Bi Hao’s eyes shrank slightly, “Did Tiandao hear someone scolding him, how did he suddenly come out?” ”

Bi Hao was very familiar with the smell of the Heavenly Dao, and looking at the clouds in the sky, he knew that this was the Heavenly Dao about to be angry, but at that moment Bi Hao did not want to affect the duel between Bi Xiuzhen and Li Xiuyuan, so Bi Hao launched a small spiritual teleportation spell into the sky, and saw the thunder and lightning suddenly disperse.

Li Xiuyuan naturally looked at Bi Hao’s actions in his eyes, and said with a sad face, “Oh my God, his son can even influence the Heavenly Dao, why is he so amazingly brilliant – I am not willing, I am not willing!” ”

“What’s not to be reconciled, you crap can’t even win a fight, you still want to win the battle against my son, I tell you that my son is the All-Spirit Root, and his Dao is the Tao of all beings, a figure who has even been alarmed by the Heavenly Dao, do you think you are qualified to fight with my son?” You can’t even win me, you waste, the Yangtze River wave pushed a wave before the wave died on the beach, I am a front wave that has not been pushed down, but you are doomed to die on the beach, you waste, even if you use soul summoning, your old brother is useless, your brother was also my defeated general, even if he has been cultivating in the underworld all these years, but he can never beat me, you two together are still waste, waste! Remember me, you’re a piece of shit! ”

Bi Hao was very puzzled to hear this, so he turned his head and whispered to the phoenix, “What does this underworld mean?” ”

The phoenix whispered, “In fact, this underworld is where we cultivators will go after they die, and only after those of us who can cultivate die, the soul has a stable shape to go, like those mortals, it is impossible to go to the underworld, but in the underworld, as a ghost form, you can continue to cultivate, but the spells cast are different from what we are now, those ghosts do not need the Tao when they cultivate, they are generally cultivating spells and refining the strength of the soul, the stronger the soul strength.” , the stronger they are. ”

“Then what happened to this brother of Li Xiuyuan?” Bi Hao continued to ask.

“This brother of Li Xiuyuan, I tell you that his brother is actually a tyrant, and three thousand years ago his brother once led Mount Meru up and down to fight with us at Mount Emei, and that was a fierce victory over Mount Emei.” Phoenix looked gossipy and explained to him excitedly.

“Isn’t it, Mount Meru was so strong?”

In Bi Hao’s view, even if it was Mount Meru now, if he wanted to fight with Mount Emei, who lacked thousands of disciples, he would be seriously injured, and it would be impossible to win.

But now hearing the phoenix say this, Bi Hao was even more curious about the times three thousand years ago.

Phoenix smiled and said, “His brother was very strong at that time, and it was not much different from your father, and at that time, they had always wanted to annex Mount Emei, and Mount Emei had the most precious treasure, which was said to be a very terrible spell, so they attacked Mount Meru, and as a result, that battle caused Mount Emei to be seriously injured, and Mount Meru also broke the inheritance, and then it became less and less than us, or because this Li Xiuyuan had a good talent, and then made up for those inheritances little by little.” ”

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