“Since he has already learned a painful lesson, why should he be so eye-catching, and now that he comes out again, isn’t it all a fight?” Bi Hao said with a cold brow.

“Even so, his brother’s cultivation in the underworld should have made considerable progress now, and I don’t know if Uncle Bi can win him now.” Phoenix said with a worried face, “Not to mention that they are possessed by two brothers, although this sacrificial technique will damage his Yang Shou, the power obtained is also geometrically powerful.” ”

“That’s the way it is.” Bi Hao looked at the mighty and demonic man in the sky and nodded.

However, he was not particularly worried that his strength in another world could be fully exerted, and now that this person’s actions seemed to have angered Tiandao, perhaps without his help, Tiandao would take the initiative to help them punish each other.

But I didn’t expect that in the next instant, the surging thunder in the sky actually began to fluctuate, and in the blink of an eye, it converged on Bi Xiuzhen’s head.

Bi Hao was stunned, what was the situation?

Bi Xiuzhen had not done anything except taunt Li Xiuyuan from beginning to end, and Li Xiuyuan was now scolding and jumping at Tiandao, and Tiandao actually did not punish him, but instead punished Bi Xiuzhen.

Bi Hao finally understood what was called the injustice of the Heavenly Dao.

Bi Xiuzhen’s gaze at the clouds above the sky was very calm, as if he had already anticipated such an outcome.

The phoenix on the side saw it but was very sad and angry, “Why is this so, Uncle Bi obviously has not done anything.” ”

“This is probably the so-called Piaf innocence, carrying his guilt.” Bi Hao recovered from the shock at the beginning, and now his eyes were very calmly looking at the clouds in the sky, and he said in a calm tone, “He is too powerful, so powerful enough that Tiandao feels threatened, so now Tiandao wants to suppress and kill him, and now he and Li Xiuyuan are dueling, Li Xiuyuan is shooting at this moment, plus Tiandao’s suppression of him can erase the probability of my father’s being 100%.” ”

“How do you know so clearly?” Phoenix said in surprise.

Thinking about it, I also felt that what Bi Hao said was very reasonable.

Bi Hao smiled bitterly and said, “I would rather not know.” ”

This is all systematically analyzed.

At the moment when Fang Cai Yun appeared, the system made a meticulous analysis of Bi Xiuzhen Li Xiuyuan and the Heavenly Dao.

The system seems to be more powerful since the upgrade, and even the analysis data has been detailed to hundreds of digits.

And the odds that he had obtained would be able to survive in this catastrophe was 0.

A chance that is simply impossible not to fear.

Just now, when Bi Hao relayed what the system said, he also euphemistically converted it, but when the phoenix calmed down, he would also know Bi Hao’s unspoken meaning after thinking about it carefully.

Immediately, Phoenix’s gaze was sad, “By what? Why would such a good person as Uncle Bi be killed by the Heavenly Dao because his strength was too strong? ”

The Heavenly Dao Storm Cloud in the sky did not want to hear any explanation, but the rumbling contained endless power, and it was about to be suppressed by Bi Xiuzhen.

Bi Xiuzhen seemed to know exactly why, closed his eyes slightly, looked at Li Xiuyuan with disdain, and said, “Old Pifu, now even the Heavenly Dao has helped you, it seems that I am really unlucky.” ”

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